Tuesday 3 September 2013

The Sixteen Anniversary of Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales and her Egyptian Billionaire boyfriend, Dodi Al-Fayed, who died in Paris 1997 (RIP) ..

Her Royal Highness Princess Diana of Wales, the future Queen of England, she was the sister, daughter, aunt, but above anything a warm Mother of her two sons: Princes William and Harry.
"Breaking a Vow: Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery,
and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband,
 commits adultery. Luke 16:18 .. "

A small tribute from me, to Her Royal Highness, Lady Diana Frances Spencer, Princess of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall, Duchess of Rothesay, Countess of Chester and Baroness of Renfrew (1/7/1961 – 31/8/1997) and her Egyptian Billionaire boyfriend, Emad El-Din Mohamed Abdel Moneim Fayed, alias "Dodi Al-Fayed" (15/4/1955 - 31/8/1997), who were killed in a car accident on 31st of August 1997 (RIP). Today is the Sixteen Anniversary of Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales and her Egyptian Billionaire boyfriend Dodi Al-Fayed deaths in Paris, in which  Scotland Yard started an investigation into the new claims of murder/car accident, by a British Military. I am please by the progress and I thank my Lord or anyone who contributed to this open Society in which we all live in the UK with warm Community and understanding to all. Particularly when a young woman died leaving behind two small sons, without a Mother figure.http://goo.gl/h90eo6 "A Mother is a Mother, in fact a Gift from God"- Particularly, when you want to share the happiness of your first new born baby, because you need your Mother and someone to talk, laugh, hug, kiss and share. A Mother is a Mother and nobody has any Right/s to remove, separate or hide the very existence of your own Mother from you, in order to accomplish the wishes of someone Else's for them. Nobody can take the place of a Mother. No-one can replace your own Mother. And you would never have the same persona/personality of your own Mother. The smell of your child is the first thing that the Mother would identify as her own and form the bonding. When you lose your own Mother, then you become orphan and then you realise the empty of your life. The smell of life gone!. What a long and lonely road to walk by yourself, without your Mother. I got no Mother myself, she passed away a year after the Princess Diana's accident/murder/death. I refuse to take another woman's as my own Mother. Big apologies but my Mother was my Mother, with all her imperfections as we are all human people not Gods, then of course, I accept my own Mother as my Mother and "as it is/was" with no regrets at all. No/one can ever replace my Mother's image. No/one, no ever, no today, tomorrow, never, ever, a living person can replace my own Mother. However, I respect the rest of the Mothers and the reason/s to come forward in aid of Lady DI, at any time. The reason/s why, I use Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales and me, as a survivors of "domestic abuse"- http://goo.gl/ftpWj3 As the violence itself can trigger anyone, anybody, any age, any moment and see no colour of the skin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, background, social class, country of birth, level of education, etc. A probe in Law the very existence of "domestic abuse" that kills people and their own reputation in the same way as Bullying, Hate propaganda, Domestic Violence, Intolerance, Spread, Lies, Defamation, Murder, Traition, etc and not necessarily by Accidents, Murder or Firearms, but even by Slander, Lies and Defamation that is not recognised in any Court of Law Worldwide, but kills with revenge. In which, Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales never knew she was bullied with "domestic abuse" and me less, until now. http://goo.gl/r4J6Lp I swear to my God, by just holding the Holly Bible and hundreds of letters as a form of correspondence from a year ago until now, as probe of the abuse that I endure in the hands of those people that were my own blood or part of my life in the past. At home was so many competitions between my sisters and I, that they used lies in order to control my Mother. I believe strong my Mother was manipulate by my sisters, by some reasons or the others, that is not my concern, but I had no control in the matter, but I will always stand to my own Mother's side and Honour, not matter who, what or where. My sisters were lying of my Mothers reputation badly all the time and I was with my Mother all the time, so it was impossible such slander, lies and defamation!-So when I came in aid of my own Mother's reputation, the rest of my sisters come for me as well and the rest is history. The rest is what you know about me, that in a few words we could call slander, lies and defamation to my persona, but I was not aware of the abuse then until now. In which with time has been spread and run it course and out of control. I believe this was the start of the problems and excuses to intimidate me by my sisters and the ex/husband sister as well that helps in the hate, with a wave of abuse and tales. As the tales, lies, defamation grow, the groups also grow and expanded out of control. The family problems (from both sides) use even people that were my friends or relate to me at certain times of my life. In order to help them in the vendettas, groups, neighbourhood, paparazzi, etc, using any kind of ideas, or just simple insult them badly, in order to keep them and blaming me after for it. As the idea is to separate (me and them) and buy them with small favours (jobs, career, etc) in exchange of help or to be on their side, or both. The same happens with my children's friends and reason/s to come out in the open, so everyone is aware of the mischief, including my daughters. I Emigrate from Mexico to the UK after married (1985), now divorce (2012) for family problems, on that length of time, I lost touch with family, friends, Mexico. Suddenly out of the blue, family problems and abuse of profession and power by the ex/husband sister/social worker and her groups, blame me for things that happens to their own environment with: china, kiss, 5 boys, the river, etc. I want you to know that in the river ended my unborn children, the 5 boys where my friends/family/brothers or anything relate to me in the past and my beautiful country Mexico is in state of terror for the same abuse of profession and power by foreign people and reason/s to request help. http://goo.gl/Io9lXB  No wonder we are so well in the UK destroying the system, services and government reputation with lies, slander and defamation that the Professional people use nowadays, instead of use what they learned at the University. Particularly when the father done the research, the mother type the work and daughter gained the "career of a social worker and working for Trafford (the area where I live) Primary Care Trust"- http://goo.gl/nUAali Here I am talking about the ex/husband sister lies of my reputation, gained all what was mine, including the area where I live, then you ask why we are so bad in the UK with all the services hijacked "to you and yours", used only by "who is your friend" and nothing left "for you and your family", including the NHS?- http://goo.gl/XoJUHA The ex-husband sister-social worker opened the doors to foreign people in the UK, who were relate to me in the past, but without my permit, consent or knowledge in the matter but I was to blame?-In order to help foreign people own lies to live free from generosity of the tax payer and collaborate the ex/husband sister own tales against me (5 boys, the river, etc), but hide herself with career status of: "social worker" and protect with "confidentiality acts" and criminal activity. The abuse of power/profession from the ex/husband sister/social worker with years of use and abuse to the UK system of the NHS where she works (Primary Care) and where my sister was detained under the Mental Health Act (Trafford General Hospital), costing "Millions" in benefits to the country alone and I was frame for the abuse, but I am not a Social Worker, just a simple humble career?- http://goo.gl/wlByvb Today I lost everything and the ex-husband sister-social worker got all what is mine based on lies of my reputation, even the area where I live and without a court hearing relate to the matter to clean my name. Unfortunately for small groups that abuse their own work place in government jobs the rest of the Country need to pay a high price, where today the services are on "Sale" as lack of money. The family problems that I married into and now divorce, cleaned the area where I live of Trafford, not "Stockport" where they live, but Trafford. In order to bring a wave of racism that I feel ashamed to be part of the Christian World myself. http://goo.gl/EDDNBC My Mother spoke no English, so I can not understand where all the tales comes from people relate to me in the past of my Mother, the spread come from Trafford council staff a few years ago, but my Mother passed away 15 years ago to be exact (1998)?- I am hard of hearing person myself with 10% of hearing on both ears, but I do not use my disability to control people, to hide hate or manipulate the situation based on that, in which children of any age follows examples of hate from own family. I want the "family problems" to understand that I have no pleasure in doing this work, but I need to probe legally of all the defamation, lies and slander towards me and mine, by the same people that once they were my own blood or relate to me, but not anymore and by law, I have a right to live free of violence, the same my daughters. I hate the fact that the services in the area of Trafford are hijacked, used and abused in extreme as those people gained the jobs based on "who is your friend" rather than capacity to demonstrate capability, either by training, experience, education. Unfortunately, when no/one does the homework properly and is time to defend Queen, Country, Land and Glory as today. Please you tell me who is most capable of realise the hard work, me or the family problems, as they keep copying all what is mine and they present as their own, but with very little understanding in the matter, no wonder we are in crisis (without respect)?-My family was never ill of anything, but their own system, abuse, hate, made the people they are today and shows in their own hearts. As you should never go against your own family, parents, brothers and sisters, no matter reason/s. The Courts who deals in matter/s of "domestic abuse" are open to deal with those abnormal behaviour ("the court should hear two versions of the matters not just one") but you should never take the hate against your own family, roots, or blood. My Mother loved me or not is not relevant now and the matter never was for me in the past, present or future either or reason/s of why, I helped my Mother, but just simple seeing her reputation abused in full public, that made me to be the person that I am today. Where I do advocacy for me and other people in my same circumstances when I see lies, spread, defamation, hate, bullying, intolerance and corruption. As those people who were my blood family or relate to me, but adults and now teaching their own children the hate against own blood and a crime in law!-My own Mother, myself or even Lady Di, unaware of family problems in the past, otherwise the matter would be different today. It's now that I am studying Law at home that I am full aware of the matter and criminality, as there is not other reason/s, for the murder of Lady Di (Dodi, driver) my unborn children and brother. I will always said that my daughters and I are not involve into any "family problems" and I do not care how old they are, as I am Mexican born. I hope to spare me that bit of respect in order to look after my daughters, or they to me, as it's my tradition/s. My daughters are free to fly the nest or fly as far as they want, but no/one can break our bond or separate us, in the same way as Lady Di with her sons, or in the same way as my Family with my country of birth, friends, etc. My unborn children and brother died from lies of family problems, very much in the same way as Princes Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed (RIP), trying hared to break reputation. If this is not the truth, why of the film "Diana" next month with a Doctor in question, as the love of Diana's life. In order to hurt reputation and memory of Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales  and intent to help and clear the mess/name of Prince Charles/Camilla. http://goo.gl/9MIfz8 When she herself, Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales declare her love for Prince Charles so many times, but trying to mislead now with a Doctor. Where Diana said on the matter of her love for Prince Charles:

1-Well, there were three (Camilla, Diana and Charles) of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.
2-I (Lady Di) desperately wanted it to work, "I desperately loved my husband" and "I wanted to share everything together", and "I thought that we were a very good team"- .. so?

Where the family of Lady Di refuse to take responsibility in the matter or to take the matter to the Courts, in the same way as my family in Mexico with the murder of my brother, so maybe both families knows who is the person/s and reason/s. Unfortunately, when domestic abuse in any form, way or shape is not tackled properly by the Police, Judges and Courts of Law in the United Kingdom, Mexico, or elsewhere, but reason/s why, of accidents, murders crimes and criminality, in this case Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales/Lady Di, Dodi, Driver (if you notice 3 names start with D's) or my unborn children and my brother. http://goo.gl/Xb5gGM I remember when Princess Diana came out to request help from the media in a form of T.V. programs, books, interviews, etc, but nobody came out to help her, not even the Police. As it was the Police: "duty of care, protection laws, regulations, etc". "When the spread calls Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales and Me, unstable, mental, unbalanced, paranoids, but stealing everything from us under the water (marriage, stability, family, children, friends, home, jobs, business, country of birth, area where we live, etc) based on defamation, lies, spread and slander and nobody can see what those people cause to us, no/one - nobody, until the game becomes a murder/accident/crime in law, so who is the unstable, mental, unbalanced and paranoid?-What a coward is a person who gets on a vulnerable woman, removing everything form her reach in order to leave her totally "lonely and with no defence in Law", but what do you expect from a bully?-Where she, herself, Princess Diana was not aware of to be bullied in the first place by principle, duty or any other excuse, otherwise she may seek help, but bullied to the end of love!!- Her own words Diana: "Well, it gave everybody a wonderful new label - Diana's unstable and Diana's mentally unbalanced. And unfortunately that seems to have stuck on and off over the years.

1- http://youtu.be/RR00zvbz9hU
2- http://youtu.be/Zlxs_JG1dDA

The following video an example of what Princess Diana of wales had to endure alone or with the help of the Police/Bodyguard/etc and what we call paparazzi (before and after married) but not Camilla, without mention the non/stop, full time work of more than 500 Charities alone with the help of nobody and all by herself, but never to Camila?- http://youtu.be/4gn6AL6be-0 In real life, we would never see this abnormal display of hate propaganda direct to Camilla or any other member of the Royal Family (female), by either the paparazzi or neighbourhood, but a crime in law particularly the bullying and where was the police in the matter?-Once the persecution/hunting/hate propaganda happened to Prince Charles and Camilla together and inside the car, not like Lady Di outside on the road (Cowards!). It was reported that the attack came from students not paparazzi and with this on mind I probe in law, that the paparazzi acts for some members of the Royal family and this person in question was Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales, but not for Prince Charles or Camila and the UK Government acted super fast, but for Lady Di arrived only a small van. http://goo.gl/Jo7wnZ Why not the same level of help to Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales, as she went public to request help with T.V. Programs and full coverage, but bullied to the end with paparazzi and confusing matters as trying to show her as unstable, looking for attention, paranoid, etc. When in reality was the other way around it, Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales was bullied to the end of love. I am unable to understand the persecution of Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales and the reasons of the hunting and in which grounds in Law the abuse of power and profession, with more than 500 charities around her belt and full public engagements that were removed from her after the divorce. Including her Title was removed after the divorce and as a form of thank you, Lady Di was killed after, to separate her boys from their own Mother in a very young state of mind, where they were unable to control the situation and not from now?- http://goo.gl/n0xGe9 The Hunting is a form of Sport used for Centuries by the English Socialite to persecute all kind of animals, but in particular Foxes and up to now in Law is an illegal procedure in certain conditions, terms and times of the year. http://goo.gl/T4aAWp I wonder what is the maximum penalty in a court of Law for the murder, crime, accident, violation of the human rights and traition to Principles of Laws in which the Royal Family are the Patron, but the Queen Elizabeth II passed some responsibilities to Prince Charles, to account him and Camila in a court of law for the Human Lives, as higher as the Future Queen of England, Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales and her Egyptian boyfriend, Dodi Al-Fayed. http://goo.gl/pXONDQ Prince Charles and Camilla used that ways and means (hunting, persecution, stalking, etc) in a form of paparazzi, helped by their own groups, as an excuse to cover themselves of the crime and criminality, by pretend they were someone else, but them. In order to end the lives of Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales and her Egyptian boyfriend, Dodi Al-Fayed, in a foreign country (France) away from the UK authorities. The idea was to cause the couple (Ladi Di and Dodi) a form of "domestic abuse/violence" in the same way as usual prescribed to Lady Di by Prince Charles non/stop molestation and bullying, but this time away from the scrutiny of the UK authorities. Coward as this is not the way Prince Charles treat Camilla, but with respect. Paris was the perfect place to carry the murder in a form of accident using: bullying, stalking, hunting, persecution, intolerance inside the tunnel of Paris. The perfect place where there is not escape and then in split of seconds something went horrible/horrible/horrible and terrible wrong. The Sixteen Anniversary of Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales and her Egyptian Billionaire boyfriend, Dodi Al-Fayed, who died in Paris 1997 (RIP) .. and the couple trapped in the same place for more than 2 hours, unable to gain assistance on that lap of time, incredible"?-People arrived in a form of doctors ready to assist but hold the Ambulance where Lady Di was traveling, incredible?-A way to probe in a court of Law of the similarities (paparazzi) in the case with Princes Charles's son William and Kate last summer holiday, in which I did not mean to cause any stress to the couple and my apologies if that was the case with my note, but to warn you. http://goo.gl/9Bm1hk We are talking about the Crown in which is causing maybe the differences, between Father and Son/s and is not my business the interference in the matter, only to protect. If ever I am wrong, I will give an apology but no before, as we know exactly what happened to Lady Di and the Victims that were travelling with her. Where I am in the same position now as everything is removed from me (benefits, jobs, services, etc) and unable to have people around me or get hurt (my brother, etc), similarities, no, never in a million years, but Prince Charles bullying me and mine, in order to help the ex/husband "family problems"-The ex/husband family a Royalist people themselves and the perfect excuse to use me (sale me) as "family problems" for all their problems to gain career (ex/sister), opportunities, etc. Something went wrong with my daughter bullied in her primary school, my sister detained under the mental health act, the murder of my unborn children and brother that need to gain justice and even pets killed by a fox, in a rural area?-In which, I believe Prince Charles is liable, for the similarities of the cases, that mirror into each other case and never a coincidence twice, never. I am using common Law which I am entitle to use it in order to protect me and my own people, as I am unable to see the papers from Lady Di case or victims that travelled with her or where the "family problems" used "confidentiality acts" in order to cover the criminal activity, to me and mine and blame me instead?-I request Permit to the Queen Elizabeth II and her full permission to proceed in my matter and order to gain justice to me and mine, including Princes Diana, Dodi and the Driver and in the name of our Lord, which is the same God. I am doing all my own stuff myself in which I ask patience to the Courts in the UK and Worldwide, if ever, I need to take my case there, as I am Mexican born with British Nationality. I am within my full Rights to gain Justice to me and mine, in which I am not Solicitor, Barrister or Judge, but a humble Mother that wants to gain Justice for her unborn children and my brother, as we lacks of Laws in the UK to tackle "domestic violence/abuse?"-I had been requesting the same for Lady Di, Dodi and the victims that travelled with her, in which Scotland Yard started an investigation (thank you!) into the new claims of murder/car accident, by a British Military. I am not seeing anybody else, apart from Camilla's ultimatum to Prince Charles, in which they were both married with different partners. Princess Diana and Dodi become close after her divorce, but killed to pave the way to the Throne. When we know full well that Prince Charles was born into Royal duties in the same way as, Prince Edward VIII and Princess Margaret, why the differences in Law?-The murder/accident of Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed would never taken place without the full consent, request and petition to the UK services (M15, M16, etc) but need to be done by a member of the Royal Family, as impossible to paparazzi, or any government body to reach. http://goo.gl/399ci3 As Lady Diana and Dodi have a right of a life, in the same way as Prince Charles and Camilla. Today Camilla got everything that belongs (stole) to Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales including her: Husband, Title, Children, Grandson, etc. In the same way as I lost everything in the Trafford area/Mexico and everywhere, including my unborn children, brother, friends, family, country of birth, marriage, jobs, business, Trafford area, etc. The past problem/s (bullying) of Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales, it was and still very much today, the full responsibility of the Police to investigate the intolerance and to be taken seriously, with respect that deserves the future Mother of the King of England (RIP). Even on those years that Princess Diana was requesting "help" in full public, means HELP in today's regulations, rules, laws and hundreds of principles that our community is ruled by, to abide and obey. Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales was a member of the community and working hard to represent the UK to the highest level of international world. In fact she was holding 500 Charities in one year alone, that is impossible to Camilla today and why the differences, but bullying Lady Di more like to be the problem. In the name of God, what´s happening to our world, peoples and communities, as we are losing our hearts for gold, ambition and money, but no reach a hand to help peoples in need, not matter of who they are?-Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales gave so much to the Queen Elizabeth II and her Peoples in the UK, when she was asking a piece of your understanding, respect and privacy into her business, on that time, moment and days that she was going hell and back. Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales was requesting in full public that Prince Charles stop, full stop, the bullying towards her, particularly with Camilla, as the man in question was her husband, so where was her to be: unstable, mental or paranoid attitude?- In life we need to start learning to speak with the truth in the matters and divide things into two, as the law is divide into two as well to give a chance to 2 people, cases, things to gain Justice. So to take one side of the matter (Prince Charles), leaving the most vulnerable person (Lady Di) to hang alone in the woods, that is cruel, inhuman, violent and corrupt, without mention the hunting (hunting Princes Diana of Wales, like an animal?) and persecution in a form of Bullying?-Particularly when that woman in question (Lady Di) was giving so much to the UK, that a small token of gratitude would not go amiss. In the same way as we thanks to the Queen Elizabeth II for to bring the country out of the dark ages of the Victorians times, as you would not live this moment and time again. So you better enjoy your Queen as the Lady in question is one of the best tokens, that Britain ever holds. Somehow the UK government is making the changes, cuts and ATOS exams, but the Queen Elizabeth II passed all that, remember?-We learn to enjoy what we got today and make the best of it, by all means, ways and forms. As people many times do not hold outside, what shows in the heart, but what is inside matters, either kill or heal. All I am asking is Justice for Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales and her companion Dodi Al-Fayed and the driver, plus my matters, in which we are all within our full Rights to gain Justice, Memory and Reparation of non/repetition in the crimes ever again by domestic violence/abuse/bullying. As I mention several times before is up to the Princess Diana of Wales Children's to pardon the Father and Camilla or not or whoever done the violence, as the matter is not our business, but in question of legal matter, then that is our business. I have as much right/s as anybody else, to request to open an inquest with a proper investigation into such accident/murder/crime/bullying and not to be judge lightly for my actions. As you need to wear my shoes first in order to know me better, as what I am asking is not for me only, but for Lady Di, Dodi and the Driver's, Memory, Justice and Reparation of non repetition, ever again the crime/murder/accident. As Her Royal Highness, Princess Diana of Wales, who is the future Mother of the King of England deserve to have a proper rest also Dodi's Family and myself with my matters (unborn children and brother) and according to the United Kingdom Law, nobody is extent from accident/bullying/manslaughter/murder/crime/criminality/intolerance/hate propaganda, etc. Please in the name of our Lord, show me this to be the case of Justice, on Earth or I will believe that this country went to war (WWII) and the victims perished for nothing. As the Law can not be bend into one side more than the other, otherwise is full corruption in question of legal matters, as the victims are human people, full of human rights, laws and obligations in law. http://goo.gl/gO4kD3 The rule is when there is accident/murder/crime/bullying the Police checks the family members first and make reports, then after the incident/accident/murder or place (France), but with the Princess Diana case relate to an "accident" to cover the mess, the operation was done opposite and nobody made any reports direct to Princess family, including Prince Charles's and Camilla, until now, I leave the matter to the Scotland Yard. I want "Princes Charles and Camilla" to understand that I have no pleasure in doing this work, but I need to probe legally of all the defamation, lies and slander towards Lady Di, Dodi, Driver, my Brother and Unborn Children, by the same people that once they were my own blood or relate to me somehow and in humanity grounds as well, but not anymore and by law, we all have a right/s to live free of violence, poverty, bullying, intolerance, hate of any hate, slander, lies, defamation, racism, discrimination either racially or disability, including colour of the skin, religion persecution, etc, in the same way my daughters. The same accident/abuse/thing happened not just to me, but the ex/husband mother soon after Bernard passed away and it was every time she was invite to come to our home for a weekend (3 times), she end up in the Hospital bed instead. Where she told me on Bernard's funeral "that he left her the problem" which may refer to me. I am the problem and I was not aware of it in the first place for the last 27 years (1985) and reason/s of my divorce last year (2012), but I am the problem??!!-When I lost all my friends when they were insulted, to separate us and I got the blame, but it was not me, but them in order to keep them all. I am the problem when my daughter and I were bullied by the family problems and she lost her primary education and I lost country of birth, family, unborn children, brother, business, jobs, services in the area, etc. http://goo.gl/AJcqEH My sister was detained under the mental health act in Trafford General hospital, but I am not a social worker, but the ex/husband sister and somehow, magically, I am the one that cause all the problems and how?!!-The Area where I live Trafford got hijacked by the sister of the ex/husband/social worker, in order for her to work, live and enjoy and me to lose everything based on her lies and I am the problem (social worker at Trafford Primary Care Trust)?!- http://goo.gl/nUAali What the ex/husband mother forgot to tell people and teach her own children/s, to speak with the true in everything. Particularly, when I came to visit from Mexico to the U K (1983/1984) and she told me that: "Carol and David fight all day long!!!", that was the first thing she warn me (see Birthday card). http://goo.gl/D6sK2u In which today, I am the problem, not her children, but me and all thanks to the lack of Police presence with domestic abuse, bullying, hate propaganda, harassment, racism and intolerance. Somehow, I am the problem and at the same time in law, I am a member of the community that need help, not the social worker, who should know better, but me?!!- http://goo.gl/r0YW92 The Bullying is so extent that whatever I write regarding the matter in my blog, the next day becomes a media circus by the bullies with the help of the council staff (Trafford Council), government bodies and hate propaganda of the "family problems" that are equivalent of the paparazzi of Lady Di, but mine is of a lower range, called "neighbourhood?, as they got nothing better to do with own time, similarities never, honest, I swore to my God !!-The lack of monitor closely to the professional world, by the proper Chanel's of Government bodies or the Police as many times they are friends between each other and helping in the malice, corruption slander, lies, defamation, intolerance, hate propaganda, abuse of power/profession, racism, etc, but killing our services to no repair (DSS, NHS, etc), with extreme abuse of power/profession as those professionals bodies comes with laws, rules, regulations, code of practices and a hundreds of obligations that they signed and need to obey and abide by law, otherwise this explain properly where all our problems are coming from and why we are in crisis, as they should know better. However the "family problems" is not my making but blame for everything that happens to them, which is different. I am trying to repair the damage as fast as I can and the best of my ability. I am Mexican born, with British Citizenship, but the "family problems" keeps removing everything from me, in order to stop any advancement, so how?- I would like to send my sincere apologies on behalf of the two Families and their own Problems for the mess in which we are left today, particularly to the Queen Elizabeth II and her Royal Family. The apologies extent to Prince Charles's and Camilla as well in which on this note, I do free advocacy for the person/s (3 D's=Diana, Dodi, Driver) that passed away, as they need to continue life elsewhere, in which is my duty of care to assist, but nobody has any rights to stop me or accuse me falsely. I will never fully understand of me in this position, matter or place, as it was not my making either or neither to be part, as I was not aware off, but someone need to fix the mess and I feel capable, strong and competent to understand what happened to Princess Diana's accident itself and many things more. I am not here to Judge nobody, that place is reserve for my Lord only, but I am a voice to help peoples to change the way of life, before departure. In the house of my Lord, there is one door only and apply to the same people, not matter, disability, colour, sex, age, religion or range in society. So as you can see my work is not easy here in life or well understood by the media. We do not question Princes Charles and Camilla's love, but we wish them all the best. Unfortunately, my Lord's do not see Love, when there is Murder hide in paparazzi tales. I need to follow my Christians believes, obey and abide in the same way my Parents show me to do it always, by holding the Holly Bible and the Holly Cross in the Higher place. In which I am teaching my daughters to do the same, not matter if they are Christians or not, but to hold respect, tolerance and love to one another, no need religion to teach only to implement by the Parents in their hearts. Big apologies, but not on my name the murders, accidents, bullying, hate and all those dark forces. I shall leave you the person that I am myself today, as strong as an Iron and soft as a Petal of a Rose and the real culprit of my internal force somehow, after I went hell and back, with extremely gratitude to Scotland people. http://goo.gl/iPRiJP  As you show me to believe in Humanity once again with the Scotland Yard acting on behalf of the Princess Diana of Wales case and hope the rest. Big Thank you and God Bless You always, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.