Thursday 30 April 2015

Help The Age: "Our Dear Parents Haven't Spoken To Anyone, For Months To The End Of Love" ..

I am the small child positioned between my parents and my elders sisters are positioned on the top of my parents, followed by their own helpers, one in each side. 

Yuri, el golpe traidor

This note position my own family, because it will speak regarding a report: 1 million older people haven't spoken to anyone for a month. I am not trait-ion my own family, but exist issues that need to be address - relate properly, because I believe strong that in law, I have the rights to clear my name and the names of my own parents from anyone, anybody, or anyhow, that wants to discredit our reputation at any cost, selling our family names for nothing in order to hide own matters. If my own family went against my own parents principles, today is the perfect day to clear the air and expose the true. If there is a problem with this note, to seek direct to peoples that caused the confusion, but never at any time, anyone asked my side of the matter, but went against the law for any reasons, set of reasons and grounds, which is a crime in our society, leaving me with no form of defense in the United Kingdom. Now trying to use my own children to confuse even more, when all hate propaganda against me and mine based on lies (5 boys, the river, the dishwasher, the palm tree, the kiss, the china girl, etc), started years ago (1985), not now (2015). Now, if you think it's me the problem, I advise you to clear the matter in a court law and bring your own cheque book, because I intent to charge for the defamation, lies and tales!-

My response from the note of "Age Champion": How you are going to become an "Age Champion" when the reasons parents are left ALONE relay on work commitment and family life by their own children, with NO set time to see the elders. I can not see what government has to do with this matter, when is the responsibility of own family, nobody else!-As a career for older peoples in the past, I have to press hard families to make commitment with own parents, not the government, but own children to care about own parents. In fact for introduce the matter, I lost all my caring jobs, as was against regulations, but "normal" to live as yourself mention here, with no/one to visit, from which planet those bullies are coming from, because those rules are set from the council, any council of the UK. On the top of that matter in full public display, I was insulted by a neighbor, which rules the neighborhood house #11 (sherway drive ), that I "abuse elder people" when on DAG Trafford council meeting and following link explain properly. What surprise and confuse me even more is those peoples that falsely accused my reputation in full public display, represent disabled peoples ( of the United Kingdom?- 

 Trafford Council (scandals):

My question is: where is the probe of the matter that "I abuse old people", but badly defamed my reputation, as not me, but own children that leave parents alone, totally alone, as the ex/husband sister social worker that was the main career of her own mother, but the woman suffer several falls that landed in Stockport Stepping Hill Hospital and her own medical records should explain properly, with several health issues, even to lose own body parts to please her own daughter ("as teaching her a lessons" as link explain, part of own family tradition?- and I was to blame. In fact I lost all my jobs because of such lies, when it was not me "who abused old people", but carol parker, social worker, which is the ex/husband sister and her own mother full time career, but neglect. Today, the social worker sister of the ex/husband, carol parker said that she do not want to get involve anymore with "family problems", after she left a complete trail of destruction within the family, from both sides: "By teaching us lessons (", also by her own lies that started from 1985 - 2015 with: 5 boys, the river, the dishwasher, the palm tree, etc:  

etc .. 

"I am very independent woman and I hate to be in my own children's shoes, but not the rest and I feel simpatico as we all need company, love and respect"-My own mother was used by all my ELDERS SISTERS with no form of respect in the matter, as "pass the parcel?"-I refused to PLAY the game totally, as my own mother had everything to live a comfortable life, not begging in every single house of my ELDERS SISTERS, but stolen all her money, possessions, properties, reputation and blame someone else's (me, or my brother ) after, as usual.  When in reality my own sisters even habitat PRESENTLY inside my mother's home (33 poniente #315 Puebla, Mexico, see the pink house  also, Cotija de la Paz Michoacan, Tierra Blanca, Ver, etc), so it was not me, but I lost all by their own FALSE accusations against my reputation?- I loved my own mother to bits (, and she stay with me longer as possible in the United Kingdom when visiting. As I was unemployed when my mother came to visit, with no form of subside as cash, no job and small family, in which I received ZERO financial allowance by the ex/husband for their own ukip and all my jobs stolen, one by one (yuyis kept my previous job at the bank, eBay passed to betito, customs and excise given to javi, boyfriends, or man relate to me in the past passed to pepita jr and "la primiada", carol parker ex/husband sister social worker, kept all my jobs within old peoples, etc, by such peoples that pretend to be family, but lie the curse of the law, with not form of remorse, respect to anyone and care (see cards ) within family environment. 

My own mother ( full aware of my financial problems when married and my small children need to endure hardship, "as I did my best to bring them alone with little cash", also my ELDERS SISTERS knew of my matters as they were intruding all the time in my personal life (as you can see the level of abuse), to no avail and falsely accused?"- I knew my own mother was very rich and she did not need to beg to her own daughters, but visit family only. As I told my own mother so many times to keep cool with us, because she was afraid all the time, as she confide and told me herself of my elders sisters bullying approach, the same the ex/husband own mother that landed in the hospital so many times?- "I will not buy this horrendous attitude against own parents and I will contact the police immediately if necessary and my own children are full aware of the matters, because I never create my own to go against society, neither my parents, so which grounds, rights and reasons my elders sisters came against my parents, also the social worker sister of the ex/husband?"- The ex/husband has to walk the line with me all the time and I watched him like oak when he spoke to his own mother, contrary of his sister social worker that should know better, as her own mother used to tell me, to no avail.  

I see them both women, as my own mother's in their own ways, different, but they were there with me. The problem my mother has was that she did not love any of her own children, if anyone tell you different is pure lies, because she suffer a lot when on child herself. I understood on that time and even today of the issues, no problem. I pardon my mother from day one and I respect her own matter and I even thank her for sharing her life with me, but some sisters and brothers (because we were all full aware of my mother's past life, not just me!) could not relate and went against each other, as you can see the level of abuse. I tried to help my own mother as much as I could, but I will not disclose the matter any further and I place the blame direct to her christian worlds. The ex/husband mother ( suffer the most horrendous war (WWII) ever existed and all of them came with flying colors consider the amount of abuse and murder display (70 million victims of WWII), that many times need to control matters by, "teaching lessons"- Unfortunately at this present time complete abuse attitude ("teach lessons"), by the ex/husband and his sister social worker against society (me and mine), when there is a court of law to clarify matters, but hide in "confidentiality acts the cowards?"- Because we are not in war anymore and the ex/husband mother in the the same way as my own mother, "confide to us their own past life", but went wrong, horrible wrong, as own children went against each other, as you can see level of abuse.

The level of abuse within family members still interminable, but kept my mother with little respect, as if she was a burden to society when she has everything, used as "pass the parcel (one month with one sister, one month with other sister, another month with another different sister, etc?) scheme" that my ELDERS SISTERS fermented, because the mother of own husband's would never be treated that way, so why my own mother?"- The rest of the family calls me "rebellious" when the matter comes with not revolution at all, but calls "dignity", furthermore when it was my own parents badly affected by the elders sisters attitude, confusing the rest. My own mother was unique, I LOVED her to bits and I would never hurt at any time, less alone that way with the "pass the parcel" attitude and with so little respect, by my elders sisters that cash with me all the time "based on lies of my reputation", when it is them not me, but use all kind of bribery, abuse, hate propaganda, lies and even emotional blackmail?"- Please tell me if any old person would not suffer mental instability, with children that hurt parents badly and there is thousands in research for mental issues, when should address matters in a court of law to stop abuse, full stop!!!?-Are we confuse, or even mental (bullies) nowadays, that can not assimilate one matter to another, because our parents deserve respect, no cash in research for mental issues, but the full power of the law, to stop abuse, full STOP!!-

Would you be happy to be "passed as parcel" in order to be charge cash for your ukip, as my own mother was, as mention before she lost all, everything and my actual sisters still lives in her own home presently (the pink home 33 poniente #315 puebla mexico, cash, properties, jewelry, etc) not me, but falsely accused?- The same properties, jewels, cash and everything that we all signed for my own mother to keep after my father passed away and left no will, so why the Elder Sisters enjoys my own mother financial benefits, when the rest are left in the limbo? - I can assure you that there is professional peoples that are holding such paperwork as a form of witness, that a sister passed to me years ago and for my acknowledge of the matters, as I live in the UK, but blame by the same family in Mexico, UK (ex/husband sister social worker, etc) and everywhere?-I am not fighting financial cash here, but settling the record straight and protect my reputation, also to make sure you all knew that I loved my own (parents) mother to bits, but could not keep her longer as state before: no cash, no job and no nothing thanks to the elders sisters, so how?-I was left alone even after my own children were born, as the ex/husband told me: "They are your children you look after them, so what changed today, that all hard work is done and finished?"-The reasons why the "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers tell you not to mention matters to me, because all is lies for them to eat, educate and live super well (cancun, canada, germany, etc). 

In fact my own mother did not need to be a burden to society as she was wealthy, but enjoy her retirement life with tranquility, peace, respect and love from her own family, that all she ever wanted!!-Why my ELDERS SISTERS removed that freedom from my own mother (soco, mara, me?), then to be place the blame to me after destructive behavior or whoever was available, when my own mother never removed our liberty, she never blame nobody in the family and treat all of us with full respect since younger's, consider all the matters (shit) that she comes from?- When all of us enjoys the best education money could purchase, but my mother demonstrate to be more educate than the rest of us, starting from the elders sisters that should set a good example to the rest, to no avail. I think that I will never forget and I will never forgive my elders sisters for all the "destructive behavior", within my family and members of my family, as you can see each other with problems, or relate (ill) problems somehow, except the elders sisters that lives super well and eats - steals all from us (pilar guerrero, hazz, parker, maricela, my friends, mela friends - red cross puebla society, travel agency, etc), based on emotional blackmail, bribery, financial pursuit, lies and even kills ( for our things with no form of respect, but not their own husbands family (corona, azpiri and matamoros), except us by the bullies, that aid by "la primiada?"- 

Am email from a niece to me to probe matters, "lack of respect" and against own family?- 

Subject: RE: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 19:30:02 -0600
Gracias Paty apenas fue el miercoles misa pa mi abuelitos y José, el 27 cumplió mi abue 10 años no?? y el 23 José unos mese, tons tuvimos misa, no te había contestado pues nos fuimos a Acapulco de puente aunq esta medio riesgoso x la inseguridad q se vive en el país y allá esta muy feo casi ya nadie sale en las noches y el turismo ha bajado un poco no se puso como otras veces, sin embargo la pasamos descansando ya q la gde. se me había enfermado de paperas yo igual estuve malita pero grax a dios la prox semana voy a llevar mis estudios pa q me los chequen!! nada malo Beto!! jaja... este año no puse ofrenda como otros pero igual rezamos muchos x toda la familia!!! y claro q tienes tu casa pa cuando vengas a México!! sabes q te estimo y quiero bien!! saludos a todos x allá los de Coco y claro uds. recibe bendiciones.

The nada malo Beto!! jaja... was made that way by the elders sisters, "as a joke" to the rest, when my sister (soco) has problems with own husband (hazz) that was exposing her, when in reality was Beto Hazz that went out with a woman and broke his marriage bows, not my sister at any time. I have another email from my elder sister daughter (pepita jr), where she "warned me" and months after my brother was killed?-This is the kind of blessings (see email) that we received (.. voy a llevar mis estudios pa q me los chequen!! ) by "la primiada" as my elders sisters left us (the rest of the family) in the mercy and hands of their own children (without our permit, consent and knowledge) to continue schooling against own family and fun (nada malo Beto!! jaja...), but not to own husband family isn't (corona, azpiri and matamoros, etc)?- 

What my own mother did to my ELDERS SISTERS as bullies, in order to be treat that way to the rest of her own children (me), but keep us with the best. I really hope when my elders sisters passed away, the rest of us don't see the big opportunity as they did to us, with help from helpers (carol parker, norma hazz, la primiada, etc)!- As I lost all thanks to their own lies teaching the rest the same criminal standards, abuse and bullshit, even my Lord did mercy to my parents long time ago, before their own son was killed with no form of mercy, by one of their own?- "I will never forget and I will never forgive my elders sisters for the level of abuse, crime and distortion within our peaceful family environment, including the ex/husband sister social worker, no wonder the match works so well, almost as in heaven"- I wonder when I will receive justice for my unborn children, that perished in the family holocaust, by the elders sisters own attitude against own family?"- Where the rest of us within the family background need to pay for ever my elders sisters own hospitality at their own homes, when in reality was to pay own children school fee's, food and good life to kill all mine (brother), including my unborn children, as we have all (pink house The £2000 pounds that the elder sister (josefa) pay to me was to cover the other sister (flor) that left me with the mess of clothing, not me to them, but them to me, but used that "excuse" to charge me everything, until the last penny and bring to the UK a wave of hate propaganda against own sisters (me and soco). Please notice their own matters, not mine: .. voy a llevar mis estudios pa q me los chequen!! - El injerto was done by the elders sisters (anny y josefa) taking advantage soon after my parents passed away, because nothing came from me at any time against them, but acted as bullies, a reflection with own children!- Exactly in the same way as my mother lost her home, by the elders sisters, as bullies. Some members of my family detained under the mental health act, by the same elders sisters after my parents passed away, as bullies. 

Unfortunately, I can even tell who killed my brother from the same elders sisters own family and include the email of "warning" that she sent to me. As mention before is toxic groups that during the years formed within my family, from matters stolen from my own past life, as "excuse of endless lies (the dishwasher, the palm tree, the river, the 5 boys, the kiss, the china girl, etc)" and even school friends (teresa solana senties,, when I never saw them again since 1978 - 2015 and own children born in 1980's, but blame by own parents, where today is "warning" to society, as nobody is safe, by those bullies. I had been in Mexico a few times, before my brother was badly hurt (2010) and still today in the UK (2015) for the same reasons, but blame of his death?-When all hate comes from elders sisters and their own children: "la primiada" against the rest of the family, that formed those toxic groups, because my own God made justice to my own parents, even long before their own son was killed, by one of them and it was only just time?- I want to clarify that my parents never killed, or acted wrongful against anyone, but to mention that my parents son received justice by my own God, years ago by the same family, individual, or person that killed my brother and was only time!- I want to believe strong in this matter, in order to continue my life, knowing that I did the right thing, as nobody is going to play games with me, or my reputation. "The reasons why I refuse to see anyone of my past, until this "family problems" are addressed properly and by the law"- 

I have no regrets on the time of my mother, as I was left with no cash, no job and no prospectus, by the elder sisters that stole all mine, but my own mum played a visit to me anytime, no problem, as her own Mexican passport should shows. But if I have the law, I would be charging my elders sisters and the ex/husband sister social worker (as she was her mother main career) with neglect, abuse, ill spread, lies of reputation from victims (me) in order to cash, to impress, to impose, to hurt, to blame, to incite hate and confuse the environment. As both mothers (my own mother and the ex/husband mother) knew of my reputation badly, when all was lies as mention before, in order to cash and abuse own position. I feel sorry for both mothers (my mother and the ex/husband), as both of them abused - confused to the end, with endless lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, the china girl, etc) against my reputation, within such family in order to live so well, the reasons of my divorce, as I am not playing such games, full stop!- If anyone was badly affected by my own mother's attitude, I can assure you that was not my mother who acted wrongly, but my elders sisters. So please go and address the issue direct with them, because my own mother was brainwashed with lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, the china girl, the dishwasher, the plant tree, etc) as mention before and any issues with me, in a court of law to clarify, with thanks! .. Rosario Castellanos de Parke


Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Office Manager Bully: "Chadderton Post Office, Royal Mail" -

The Police - Every Breath You Take 

I worked at my local WHS Post Office (Royal Mail) over the counter job and left me scare for my entitle life. The employment was the most humiliate, abusive, difficult, unstable, bully, intolerant, mania-tic, paranoid and stressful anyone could ever expect to survive and for £5.50 miserable pounds per an hour, as if we were cattle, WWII victims, or even slaves!-We have to work with more than 100 complete items, stamps, parcels, insurance products and make the unrealistic "target", in order to be target after, by the woman that was the Boss as Manager, as she wanted more and more and more and much more from us, as her own staff: "As if she owned us, with so little respect?"- We started more than 15 staff including myself, working direct for WHS Post Office in Altrincham and left with only 5 at the most, the rest healthy and with not issues, but could not accept the manager's own attitude and left, full stop!-I was not at the post office for a few minutes service like this man Craig Roberts with respect, but working over the counter for more than a year an a half of pure (Gestapo) hatred, from the Post Office Manager Bully towards me, HARD OF HEARING individual?-I spoke to peoples above the manager of constant abuse from the bully to me, to no avail, the abuse continues, until I left for good that job and like me, the rest!- The abuse against me from the WHS manager continue today (2015), even after I left the employment (2007-2009), with more excuses to come towards me, in order to attack my persona - reputation as eBay seller?-As I need to bring parcels to ship after selling them to any post office, but staff full aware of my persona, "as if they are waiting for me", not just endless abuse to endure by the sick, paranoid, hatred preached, bully and abusive manager, but the trade marks arrived to my doorstep, to make sure my eBay shop was complete closed (March 2010)?-

As I sold items and I need to bring them to the local post office yesterday (27/4/2015), in order to ship them after and the staff as usual, "as if expected me", bullying my persona with stupid and very daft questions (laptop comes with battery?), that has nothing to do with post office parcel standards, as I worked on those places, but same as I wrote in my eBay listing (NO battery in laptop?): "As if check everything I do by the gestapo, because this was the attitude by the German Nazi during WWII?"- Such bullies should not work, if they are not going to give a good service to the public and yesterday, I made sure the post office staff and owner of the shop knew of the matters, because I WAS FORCED to give 10000% excellent service by the bully manager, but not the rest to me and what are the grounds and reasons in law of the CONTINUE hatred, abuse and sick illness?- "Where all this provocation - bullying (attack my persona first and when I react, the gestapo arrives?) against me, "in order to teach me lessons", exactly in the same way, as the ex/husband sister social worker mention direct to her own mother?"-Where I believe strong all this abnormal behavior was coming from the ex/husband mother (1985-2014), but she passed away last year (RIP) and still today?- As over the weekend (25/4/2015), I received 2 parcels OPENED by the post office staff (this is not the first time!), in which the ex/husband told our child to bring them to me and knock the front door as hard as she could, exactly in the same way, as the post office staff arrived home when on eBay times (who is ill?!)?- This whole faena makes me to believe that the direct bullies lays at any home, today I can confirm the same, with the ex/husband (as primordial), his sister social worker (as go and tell them, the same as she used to tell her father: "Dad can you tell him!" and helpers (job centre plus, neighborhood, trafford council staff and all that person into one = house #11, trafford council staff, social workers and a world of abusive hater preachers that work together in the hate propaganda), now teaching my children to follow the same family abuse. When I arrived to Glasgow to see a property, the shop staff used the alarm and everyone need to evacuate, very much the same as WHS post office when on practice, this is how far the hate travels?- Where such bullies left me alone for the same reasons, to avoid witness and hide in "confidentiality acts" the cowards. 

It's the confidentiality acts that such professionals criminals use to hide their own identity and abuse member's of own family and the community to the worse possible ways. As I lost not just the post office job by the continue non/stop removal, or harassment from the rest, with the same response from council services and professional misconduct: "that carry a load full of confidentiality acts and confuse individuals"- "The reasons why I do not work at the moment, "until the employment matter is restore" as one work (WHS post office) brings own hate, then the next work (eBay) follows and so on like that, forming excuses to attack society and the community (me) with (hundreds of tales: 5 boys, the river, the dishwasher, the palm tree, etc) full permit from the council staff aware of the abuse from the ex/husband, his sister social worker and own helpers (as they can read my blog). Instead to give protection to the people that need and lost all (me) in the community (, but even force my children against own mother (who's in their own right mind?), in the same way as my sister that was detained under the mental health act with such vicious attitude (do this, or I will do this??!!), because all those peoples that helps today, helped in the past and so forms a STRONG chain, that can not breaks (ASBO'S of society). Here is where the taxes pays, for the complete abuse against the community!- As before going to the Post Office yesterday, I was telling my own children of the housing problems (apart from peoples that follows me everywhere with job hate, as excuse) that I have, because the ex/husband purchase my side of the house for nothing, when the house is worth much more (, then I saw the owners of the home standing and pointing towards me (when going to the post office)?-"I want to clarify that I was talking of the house worth (cash££), not the neighbors, which are two different matters and everybody has the rights to compare house princes without suffering the repression, but the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers try hard to dis-malt and finish my reputation, with no/sense"- I believe this matter (house princes) was trusted to the ex/husband and him told the neighborhood (house #11), then she told the next person and so on, as if we are living in war (gestapo from WWII) and nobody can say, or move at all at any place, with such paranoia, hate propaganda and broken glass syndrome, that use our children even, "to go and tell them - dad can you tell him?"- Now if the ex/husband wants me to move, where exactly, as he stole all mine, by the use of his pals?- I want to clarify that I have no problems with neighbors, in fact I do not know anybody personally, except hello and goodbye to be polite and if they hate me, then they should contact their own GP. As they told me the same with my own sister, before she was detained by the same neighborhood battle (house #11), as nobody can hate the others, without ever meet the person, impossible, in fact that is not right (in their own mind), also the person should know grounds and reasons in law to clear own name, as I am doing in public, because there is no law for me!- 

It is now that I understand all HATE came from the ex/husband "family problems" and his sister social worker (lies of 5 boys, the river, the dishwasher, the palm tree, etc) hide in the background with "confidentiality acts" the cowards, also the helpers. As when mention the ex/husband to the WHS manager, she used to said: no, your husband not here with such fear, but very brave bullying me the coward?-It was, as if the manager of WHS Post Office need to follow orders, exactly the same way as the rest that abused own work position, I believe strong this came from the ex/husband and his sister social worker close relations and colleagues from work (trafford council staff, social workers, etc) as the long standing abuse link mention (Not The Queen with respect), a complete abuse of power and profession. The Manager of the WHS Post Office could not stop, full stop interfere with the way I was working, "exactly in the same way as the rest" as we all received the same standards of training, education tools and job performance, neither anything I did was right - enough in any way, form, or even shape but need to show me off in-front of the rest, never existed a tinny bit of respect towards her staff (me), but bullied to the end!- This is the reasons why I am taken the ex/employers to the employment tribunals, "for to bring such long standing abuse to me and mine", but was stopped by the same bullies, that are afraid of the outcome. "Where nobody wanted to stay at the job from WHS Post Office and left, one by one and the manager end up with nothing and relay with agency staff earning, 100 times more than us and less stress, bullshit and abuse?"-I am and I was not difference from this man, Craig Roberts that require his own dog to help from communications, for me as hard of hearing equipment like laptop to read and write, but the malicious boss hide from me such equipment hat exist and existed, or make difficult to obtain the matter, but a full mockery in-front of the rest of staff, as even toilet training was monitor to all of us, nobody lasted put that way!?-  The rest of staff that left the job comes with everything and a few with disabilities as myself, but the ordeal was not different, a wave of abuse to all, only a few escaped as you can see them working on the place, "as selected"-I am not on the news, neither I gained any kind of financial compensation for the ordeal that still today follows me everywhere as explain, but placed the blame to me, even my bank accounts closed and all this HATE paid with courtesy of your taxes, as I am unemployed!!- I think is time to change - challenge the law ( to work towards the community - society, not the bullies that HIDE with endless "confidentiality acts" and attack victims, when such peoples can not see the real person?- How many stories like this one: Decent lives destroyed by the Post Office: The monstrous injustice of scores of sub-postmasters driven to ruin or suicide when computers to blame. I place my case, as I have enough of the blame and bullying to me and mine as foreign national. When all is product of your own (gestapo) system, not mine as Mexican born, but carry UK citizenship. I question for what with sadness and many times. As if I am not trusted within the community by the paranoia, but monitor everything I do, or speak, then what is the point to hold such burden?-Unfortunately like me with or without UK citizenship, we are all in the same boat, carry the same abuse many times and without knowing fully well of the bully, that hide in "confidentiality acts?"- Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 

Harvey Price gets £1,000 per day UK Social Security Benefits (DWP), 
but not the rest of the population as heavy price to us? .


Saturday 25 April 2015

Princess Diana's previous personal guard, Ken Wharfe speaks for once, also Tony Blair ..

The Royal Family (Diana) - Angel

When the police seek a crime case, they will pursue the matter first within the family members, then second and third the rest. I am unable to understand why this is not the case - procedure taken with HRH Princess Diana of Wales, also the grounds and reasons into why not of the matter, by the police force. "In other words, what stop the police staff to follow the same pattern - procedure as the rest of similar cases of HRH Princess Diana of Wales and why of the delay, until I mention this matter into my blog, why?"- Princess Diana murder claims as a 'stunt', says her former bodyguard. I find disturbed to mind to be called a criminal act to be portrait as stunt instead of a crime and the little care of the matter, when we are addressing the mother of the future King's of England, either by HRH Prince William, or HRH Prince Harry. As the level of abuse into the life of this remarkable Lady Diana Spencer, as HRH Princess Diana of Wales, that I over took the freedom - liberties to apply legally, in order to represent her as surrogate sister and protect her by the UK law and so be it in law!- After studied the UK law ("Bachelors of Laws") private by myself in order to protect me and mine, as I am going the same "family problems" of Lady Diana Spencer (with respect), that I intent to pursue a career with the matter and safeguard those peoples that perished and the law left them down badly, when we said badly is the bottom. As more than 15 years passed the "accident" of HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi Al-Fayed and the driver, also my brother and unborn children, that we still in the same spot, stunt and place as before, but nothing has been advanced. My family that stole all mine in order to blame me after of everything that happens to them, including the death of my brother (RIP), but refuse to acknowledge the crime "as it is" by their own making and faults. As I lost contact with all of them as family, including old friends (teresa solana senties, etc) soon after the school term finished (1978), but even own pregnancy I was to blame?-When I never spoke to anyone in the past from end of school times (1978), but forced to terminate with boyfriend by lies of friend (teresa solana senties) that blame me of her pregnancy (1980's), then little touch with family after emigrate to the UK (1985-2015), even seconds before my brother passed away (RIP) up to now still reside in the UK and my passport shows the same, but blame by all of them (the kiss, the china girl, the 5 boys, the river, the palm tree, the dishwasher, etc) and the law is so weak? -My matter is not much different with HRH Princess Diana of Wales, that after open cases, after cases in France, England, elsewhere in the past - present still the same matter, "unfinished case" and I do not need to tell you, how much the father of Dody Al-Fayed has been paid in such expensive cases, to no avail: "Because the law is purchase, corroded, hide, betrayed, abused, neglect, etc"- What I find stunning to believe is the level of abuse in the matter, the easy approach of the case (as if worth nothing!), the little importance of such wonderful woman (HRH Princess Diana of Wales) and her victims (Dodi Al-Fayed and driver) that perished with her in such sad circumstances, almost as "martyrs"-Because of the similarities into each other life, without the riches, glam and such beauty, that I become interested in HRH Princess Diana of Wales case, with my fullest respect. What it shook me from reality was the "family problems" that we both share, embroiled into each other family, by such individuals that love to cash on our expenses and call themselves after: "financial entrepreneurs"- I have been starting to purchase HRH Princess Diana of Wales books, by her own words and follows internal into the matter, waiting for her orders, while it may sound spooky to you, but not to me, as I need to know in the same way as her own self. "The Metropolitan Police revealed (19/8/2013) that assess new information, about the deaths of Diana and Dodi Al Fayed, also the driver in Paris car crash (August 1997) and what took so long, also what was the outcome?!"-  I am placing my case of HRH Princess Diana of Wales as public concern, by the level of abuse of the victim/s, by level of the case as future mother of the King's of England, by the level of time that still not time to finish with the matter - case, by the level of corruption into a murder case that we question legally "professionalism" and as such. I expect to see documents relate to the case and expose matter in full and for the public concern, with respect to victims (RIP). As while you expect this approach and abuse of stunt in a third world countries, but not in the UK, full stop!-As Tony Blair felt that the royal family’s lack of response to the Princess’s death was dangerous for them in the face of a massive outpouring of public grief and felt a duty to protect the monarchy from itself.  But I question legally who was in charge of the UK country at 2.00 am (Giving his first account of what happened on the night she died, Mr Blair says he was woken at 2am on Aug 31, 1997 by a police officer at the end of his bed, who told him that Diana had been badly injured. ) and even at 4.00 am (He knew from the beginning that her chances of survival were poor, and was told of her death at 4am. Mr Blair says that, without wishing to sound callous, he wanted to “manage” the situation and shape the public grief that would follow. ) in the eve of the night, HRH Princess Diana of Wales "accident", particularly when Tony Blair and his team of peoples works in legal departments, in fact his own wife is a CBE, QC, Barrister. Where Tony Blair had 2 hours (2.00 till 4.00 am) to work, act upon and within the UK law, in order to take HRH Pincess Diana of Wales from the wrackage, but choose to sleep over the matter and act the next day, not on time. I question legally on the time and date of HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi Al-Fayed and the driver "accidents" (RIP), who was in charge of the country: "The Queen Elizabeth II, or Tony Blair and his team of professionals?"- Furthermore: "Who is liable in law for failing the Mother of the future King's of England, when The Queen Elizabeth II would never over pass the law, but waiting for the Prime Minister, Tony Blair to act upon and accord to the UK law?- I wonder: who was behind the actions and interfere in the matters of the state, stopping a fast action - response to save HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi Al-Fayed and the driver, when Tony Blair gave Diana, Princess of Wales an "ultimatum" as he spoke to her about a concern with Dodi Al-Fayed (He recalls meeting the Princess at Chequers in July 1997, the month before she died, saying he felt an uneasiness about her relationship with Dodi Fayed but could not put his finger on why. He says she did not appreciate him broaching the subject with her. )?"-I wonder what the relationship of HRH Princess Diana of Wales and Dodi Al-Fayed has to do with the UK government - politics, in fact what is the concern of the mater in politics?- Furthermore the same "ultimatum" that Camilla Parker gave to Charles, Prince of Wales and forced him to divorce his wife, HRH Princess Diana of Wales?- I question legally, if this is the matter and delay of the 2 hours (from 2 to 4 am - Aug 31, 1997 to save the life of the mother of the future King's of England or mean nothing to you, but blame The Queen Elizabeth II of cold reaction, in order to place the blame to someone else, due to failure in politics. When in reality, The Queen Elizabeth II was waiting for Tony Blair to act as Prime Minister, not as little boy that over slept in the matters and wake up the next day to remember duty, when it was far too late, as HRH Princess Diana of Wales passed away!?- A very similar matter happened to Malala Yousafzai in her own country over a political concern ( ), magically she was saved by the United Kingdom government in split seconds and why not HRH Princess Diana of Wales airlifted in the same way, with the best machinery of the whole wide world that split in seconds from one end to the other. Please tell me why of the failure to save HRH Princess Diana of Wales and her own party and who gave the order, also in which grounds - reasons in law for the neglect to save lives by the UK government and spare me the details of "manipulator (" as Tony Blair is alive and well, but NOT the rest. It is NOT thanks to Tony Blair, that government in the Middle East is in flames ( presently, wars and more wars, plus the decay, also the infinite deaths as victims trying to leave the holocaust?- My question is who monitor the professional misconduct, as the reasons why my sister detained under the mental health act (ex/husband sister social worker), my brother ( ) was badly hurt and my unborn children perished, also HRH Princess Diana of Wales and her party badly hurt, for the trill, tales, lies, neglect, defamation, spread, hate propaganda, negligence, bullying, abuse, etc, Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 


Thursday 23 April 2015

Charles, Prince of Wales interfere with Royal Baby's name.

Charles, Prince of Wales: "You like it or not the matter, HRH Princess Diana of Wales is actually the BOSS and rule of the United Kingdom after The Queen Elizabeth II, not just for her stunning beauty, glam and humble heart, but excellent example to the world in general, in fact a great woman of substance!"- Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 

Prince William: A New Day Has Come (Only Fooling Myself) ..

My aim with my blog is to probe things legally within the UK law, in order to restore the stability, credibility, harmony, order, peace, law and a bit of tranquility in the principality. As we are living within a small tinny little island, apart of that matter there is only water, so we better learn to swim with bravery while we can, or the lies (the 5 boys, the river, the hundreds and one hater preachers, etc) will submerge all of us totally.  As I mention before, I studied the law in order to protect me and mine, including HRH Princess Diana of Wales, that I take with me as surrogate sister. The ride our "family problems" put us both in the driver seat (in order to cash ££££$$$$) is the worse any human people could be able to cope.  As you can see the United Kingdom citizens are going in the same ride - direction now with the cuts and endless changes within government, that came thanks to HRH Charles, Prince of Wales past - present interference.  Now can you imagine HRH Princess Diana of Wales on her own terms, times and all ALONE, totally alone with this man that stand to be our future King of England and he is not sorry!!?- I am unable to understand how HRH Princess Diana of Wales survived the abuse within her marriage, particularly in the hands of those bullies (Prince Charles, Camilla Parker, etc), that not matter what she did for Queen, Country, Land and Glory was not enough, but the bread winner of the whole complete United kingdom, including charities, Duchy of Cornwall and etc?!- Where Prince Charles property portfolio sums more than you will ever dream to earn and all that money, thanks to the logo of HRH Princess Diana of Wales, not Camilla, but Diana?-  After Camilla Parker got everything that belongs to HRH Princess Diana of Wales still entitle to visit, what a decency: Charles’s advisers, announced that Camilla was to attend the memorial service to Diana, held at the Guards Chapel in London on the tenth anniversary of her death. At least it please me enough to know that even Charles, Prince of Wales need to address by the law of any misconduct (, mean we are near of request the same UK law justice for HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi-Al Fayed, The Driver, my Brother and even my unborn children justice (RIP).. I was reading that Prince Charles wants to get his own way and request his new grandchild won’t be named Princess Diana, or Carole Middleton if a girl, but banned as choices?- So which name shall be better addressed in this occasion: Camilla in order to remind for ever of the person that caused the "accident" and killed grandma (HRH Princess Diana of Wales), when "ultimatum" in order to marry?-

Princess Diana

In my personal opinion with respect to Her Majesty, The Queen Elizabeth II and the Middleton family, but I want the new baby to be called "Princess Diana" in memory of her beautiful grandma, that is watching her complete family from above the skies. It breaks my heart to see this family pulled apart (the same as mine), by the direct actions of Camilla Parker - Charles, Prince of Wales in the same way as the "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker (Carol Parker) and own helpers, while The Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip of Edinburgh would like to have a decent rest and request his own children (Prince Charles and Camilla) to behave in public life and remember that they were born into Royalty, exactly in the same way as the rest: "Where nobody pass the law"- Prince Charles is not King yet to give orders and his mother never did to the rest, so why such peoples behave like low-life's, instead of Royalty, with full education and the stamp plastered in every symbol. I am nobody to request a name, but as the Lady (HRH Princess Diana of Wales) in question is not with us (RIP), I believe the last matter her own children wants right now is to have the excuse to pronounce her name million times more in this life (until satiate!), when addressed to own child, with freedoms that the matter deserve (with respect), not repressed, even to call own mother's name, but in which mind? - I would like to ask HRH Prince Charles of Wales what is his problem with his ex/wife, HRH Princess Diana of Wales and the reasons why he made such public display of his abhorrence, when in the past he did not mind the cash rolling, the same as my bullies that state themselves "as entrepreneurs" when cashing own family, but in which mind?!!- I leave here the Photo of Prince William of Gloucester (RIP), as hope this man can help me to keep Prince Charles within the line, as he knows full well why, grounds and reasons as explain in the following link the matter. I protect me and mine including HRH Princess Diana of Wales own children, by the use of UK law, as someone need to address the matters, without suffering reprisals, but respect my work, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


Monday 20 April 2015

Prince William on duty with The Queen Elizabeth II and Her beloved husband, Prince Philip of Edinburgh, exactly the same day (April 25, 2015), his own wife gives birth ..

When I see myself making this notes in aid and advocacy of HRH Princess Diana of Wales, I do not know who laughs more, me or her, as I never in million dreams, I dream in the past, present and future to be embroiled in her personal life, with respect. As HRH Princess Diana of Wales and those peoples that perished with her in the accident and they are not with us anymore (RIP), plus the level of abuse that both of us suffer in the hands of our families, that I have not another option that to take over, in order to protect her own environment and mine and so be it in law!- In other words, whatever concern direct to HRH Princess Diana of Wales, you will have to address to me direct, with the use of my blog to make the matter public, as public concern and by the law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 

Princess Diana, William & Harry.

Once we wish some times the birth of our children do not interfere in any way, form, or shape with the life that we impose ourselves, but unfortunately nature arrives impracticable without permit, consent, knowledge, appointment, memos but moments, many times in full public display to our impotence, embarrassment and against principles. As human person made of skin and bone, there is little we can do for the matter, but to be brave (very brave!) and accept nature as "it is"- We can not deny the true fact that the women body was made in a way to bring life, because men create life. However, I wish for a moment or two men can feel the same "stress" as women when they are giving birth to own child, without requesting how the angelic boy/girl to arrive (boat, plane, normal, cesarean and even times to go back to work?!): "But to arrive safely, to fulfill joy, happiness and contentment!"-The stress is the biggest killed in own's life, but to leave the mother of your own child alone, when on such stressful times is the worse nightmare anyone can handle and the normal way such cowards run, because there is not map, instructions, or manual to teach how to handle newborn babies. "As children not matter how they are born into the family environment (single, married, divorce, etc), the responsibility of both parents to share and nobody has any rights to separate (social workers, social services, council staff, etc), but teach"-  

In my case, I remember asking the ex/husband to fulfill parenthood even on Christmas to almost beg, in order for the man to be "father" on such lovely times of the year: "As if the matter was a big necessity, instead of enormous share of responsibility at home?"- The ex/husband told me so many times: "They are your children, you wanted them, now you look after them and so I did"- My question is: "What changed now - today, that the job is well done and over, but using their own friends to pull them apart from me, with all kind of intolerance in order to fulfill his own wishes and bring a wave of abuse to own mother, to feel ashamed of own mother, to go against own mother, to break the rules at home and wreak - rip families apart, etc!?-A very similar matter happened to HRH Princess Diana of Wales request the father of her two children, in order to help with the boys, to no avail. As legendary Royal reporter James Whitaker (RIP) said: Prince Charles appeared distant. When asked about married life ( "It's all right, but it interferes with my hunting?"-

It's hunting ( see third photo ) how HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi Al - Fayed and the driver (RIP) perished (the 3 D's) in the accident. In order to leave the boys (HRH Prince William and HRH Prince Harry) to Prince Charles, used as promotional tools, after the hard work to bring them all alone and removed from own mother after?-  I can see the similarities with me and mine, that I keep protecting all of us with the same UK law by the use of this blog, including HRH Princess Diana of Wales own boys and so be it in law!-My aim with my blog and notes is to bring two very well adjusted boys (HRH Prince William and HRH Prince Harry) back to society, including my own children and to whom concern matters. As when you understand fully well what happens into your life, then you will learn to bat back again and for once in your life to be in full charge, not to charge the wrong people as me or mine (HRH Princess Diana of Wales and myself barraged with family problems, friends problems, neighborhood problems for me, paparazzi problems for Lady Di, Carol Parker, Camilla Parker, etc?!) that got blame, but such peoples that caused misery (criminal damaged) direct into our life. The next stage is to face the bullies in your life and ask them all the questions, reasons why of the abuse and grounds in law: "As I am doing with me and mine (HRH Princess Diana of Wales) in this blog, as the family problems refuse to use the court of law, including those that are not with us anymore (HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi-Al Fayed, the driver, my unborn children, my brother, etc), but deserve to be heard in this life (RIP)"-

With the wave of intolerance, I lost unborn children, brother (, sister detained under the mental health act and infinite abuse direct to me and mine for more than 28 + years (1985-2015) non/stop that lasted the whole complete "family problems" reign of (terror) abuse (5 boys, the river, the palm tree, the kiss, the china girl, the dishwasher, etc). In which, during those fateful years, nobody asked me once for my side of the matter (neither for HRH Princess Diana of Wales), but passed the law under, above and one side and I got the blame by the bullies and I lost all, so how (by the Exactly in the same way HRH Princess Diana of Wales, as everyone direct into her own family as mine, we are the (bleeding!) problems (not them, but us that lost all?!), refuse to acknowledge us within the family ( friends ) environment and steals all from us (Her marriage, Her boys, my children and friends, etc). Funny enough steal, blame and sold us like meager merchandise not enough for those peoples that call themselves our family, but live from our names (HRH Princess Diana of Wales and mine) the bullies (hate - hide from us, enbarasment own family, don't want to be relate to us but somehow live FREE from UK tax payer  use our names to pay own bills, education, accommodation, food, clothing, transport, expenses £££$$$, sponsor from ex/husband and his sister social worker, to place the blame me after, cover with "confidentiality acts?"-), with countless charities that HRH Princess Diana of Wales helped in the past.

Soon after HRH Princess Diana of Wales passed away (RIP), with little respect over the matter, left the process (as if was a family business affair!) to her own family from both sides (Duchy of Cornwall and endless charities to Spencer family). Incredible to believe the family abuse, but same bullies that see us as "the problem (?)" and eat from us free of tax payer, leaving them all extremely rich "ever after" including and not extent Magdala center (, that should be a place to remember my unborn children, perished in the family (friends) holocaust: "Abuse beyond words"-As nothing of what family (friends) lies came to be truth (5 boys, the river, the palm tree, the kiss, etc), but complete financial exploitation. As after my formal education (1978) never saw my school friends again, so I am not blame for any friends pregnancy - lies after (June 1978), also I lost contact (but a few times) with (passport stamped) any (Mexican) family (1985-2015), neither I have been to Mèxico country months, days, seconds before my brother passed away (RIP), until now (20/4/2015) still living in the UK, but I am blame and endless lies?- If I have my way and if I hold the law, I would remove (with respect) the body of HRH Princess Diana of Wales from where she habitat at the present time (Althorp) and place her where she was extremely happy "ever after" (Buckingham Palace - her own flat), made the place free (of entrance charges) for everyone (me) to pay their own respects and let Prince Charles (Duchy of Cornwall) and Spencer family (Althorp) to pay for the upkeep of the place with own money. 

"I want to see how many charities HRH Princess Diana of Wales helped in the past and community services (Trafford council) comes to our aid (nobody!)?-The reasons why I came into our own defense (HRH Princess Diana of Wales and myself), because is not possible to continue any more family abuse against us, zero tolerance to bullying and cash allowance into their own pockets. If I have my way and the law, I would request to be ripped off, into tinny little pieces and destroy totally the magdala centre ( and HRH Princess Diana of Wales, whatever her own children wants to do with own place, but hope to be placed in London. Where everybody can have access to pay own respects (me) and visit HRH Princess Diana of Wales as if she was a member of our family (, for me she is my surrogate sister and I feel her own life into mine, without the beauty, glam, money, stardom and without charging for her advocacy.

As mention before so many times in my notes, the ex/husband and his sister social worker own parents are not alive (RIP), but I am divorce now and neither my own children, or myself qualify for such ordeal, and/or plays any kind of family games against society, full stop!-I learned since younger psychology, metaphysical, law and many more subjects not to go against society, but to protect me and mine from society, which is different one to another and neither is used to own purpose, but to heal the community. It's time for our well adjusted society to become responsible of what wants to get, aim and achieve within the community, furthermore understand own rules of profession with respect to the rest and not to be used against own family, friends, relations, or neighbors. As such close connection direct to us can read our minds like home computer system becoming the ordeal, with abusive bullies, which is against principles, laws and rules, also the police will reach such peoples first, before anyone else and for you to be full aware. As the idea is to break the mold and stop committing the same mistakes that we were forced to live when and since younger, but free our future generation of such big ordeal. As a such, I request The Queen Elizabeth II and Her beloved husband, Prince Philip of Edinburgh to consider for this time only, the birth of Prince William second child to be state as first priority (April 25, 2015), with "special occasion treatment" and when all over to join in the family celebration after. I request this matter in the name of HRH Princess Diana of Wales, as I believe she placed the future wife of Prince William in a very high place of society, as her own letter state.  "When I know full well the endless charities HRH Princess Diana of Wales did to Her Queen, Country, Land and Glory, that the most I can do is to express in full public her own wishes, using my humble blog, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.