Saturday 30 May 2015

The Game of the BULLY Doughnuts and the WIN prizes full of abuse! -

The relevant note has nothing to do with the doughnuts, company, or lucky prize neither is writing for them at any time, but for the peoples (bullies) that purchase their own products to bring to me the direct - indirect abuse with double intention, "as my present situation", so I am leaving the box as "evidence"-

El Sapo Nicaragua ..

When I am not using this way at any time, with the parents of own bullies that purchase this box with intention to inflict pain to me and mine and even using my children to get "frame" after .. 

The strong groups of bullies relate to the ex/husband and his sister social worker own personal "family problems" and helpers from council, government and politics affairs, lasting for more them 30 years the abuse (1985-2015) and no way to stop the intolerance (bullshit) .. 

As the mother of the ex/husband and his sister social worker said to me so many times of own children: "as bad as each other and fight all day long", today we have the result, package and wave of abuse to society, that is teaching my children the same game! - I believe the ex/husband mother own children (ex/husband and his sister social worker) looks as the Kray's brothers, such peoples got the hold of own community ( neighborhood  ) and landed in trouble with the law, but the abuse itself is not in Stockport area, but Trafford area?-

The game of "family problems" goes like this: "People HURT ME (as the doughnuts box purchase with intention!), I react, then the ex-husband and his sister social worker have the excuses to send to me the gestapo (council, government staff, family, or whoever is in command!) and hide themselves (inside own family, parents, children, friends, work collages, doughnuts box, etc) as little children and even use "confidentiality acts" the bully cowards, so nobody knows who is the real bully!- 

The action itself of my reaction / outburst when people HURT ME is an excuse to start vendettas against me, hate propaganda, intimidation, castration, abuses, racism, bullying and more bullshit into my life, going in a form of spiral, because own parents of the BULLIES do not take charge of them when alive and some passed away (RIP) as the ex/husband and his sister social worker, etc .. 

The lack of help from society to victims of bullying (animals - human people), shows in the endless of abuses, within the same society.  My question is why me of the problems from society to your own bullying?-In other words, "why my unborn children need to perish by the same hate propaganda, conflict of financial interest, abuse, racial stigma and even racism?"- Bullying society for whatever went into your own life is not an answer - excuse to HURT society when there is a court of law to bring such matters and both sides (not hide in "confidentiality acts") sit in a court of law to read charges and clean own name, neither is my problem, or my making, but you and yours!-

In this case, I will use the endless connections of the ex/husband and his sister social worker, that somehow use (frame) my own children to represent them in the background, with own problems. We meet in a program for children and out of the blue a connection (julie higgings), when never before, incredible?- After several years of friendship, she (julie higgings) blame me of her own husband left her, when all is lies as she still lives with the man but in another side of the country, with intention to hurt my reputation badly. At the end, I broke any form of communication (with julie higgings) by the same lies, abuse, slander, malice and hate towards me and mine. 

I want to mention that all this matter of "introduction" between friends (julie higgings) was prepare in a form of "circus display" by the same Trafford council staff, as the ex/husband sister social worker: "playing an act"-When the financial resources of the state were plenty (££££$$$$), not now (2015), but before (1985 +), soon after the ex/husband sister social worker graduation, thanks to her parents that typed - researched University work (2000 - 2015), today we have the results with the crisis. As this "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker, (local) government and helpers (some members of my family) reflects as my own child and the X friend (julie higgings) child need to swim in the open ocean, when on Sea Cadette?-

To bring this wave of abuse as social worker ( her own brother family (my children) as nieces (children of her own brother!?), badly affected (including my unborn children killed!) by her endless lies (, even in the open ocean as Sea Cadette (with no pity, respect of life, remorse, but lies!?), hating each other ( as own mother (of the ex/husband) told me so many times of her children (ex/husband and his sister social worker) as mention before, is way out of order legally, but the lies, cheat and bullying is even more hard to accept and even digest!- 

Where I bring this matter of "family problems" of the ex/husband and his sister social worker, for "the public concern" legally as own parents passed away (RIP) and I am divorce, also my children are not getting involve into this "family dispute", because I never bring them into this world of pure hate, lets alone to HURT ( own family, but I question legally by the UK law in which mind the abuse?!!- 

I want to mention that such children of casualties are not a "solo" coincidence - incident, but the result of neglect, abuse, torn society, that even breaks (plates!) families. I want to mention as well that money is not an issue for such disturbances in a well adjusted community, but a sad reality that can happens to anyone, not matter cash, influence, health and even motives. Bullying society for whatever went into your own life is not an answer - excuse to HURT society when there is a court of law to bring such matters and both sides (not hide in "confidentiality acts") sit in a court of law to read charges and clean own name, neither is my problem, or my making, but you and yours!-

As when the friendship broke (julie haggings) another boy was sent by the same gestapo (council services) to be-friend my child, that the one was chosen to hurt and the reasons legally I believe is the same tales (5 boys, the river, the kiss, the china girl, etc...  ), lies and defamation against my reputation, when in reality is a dark past of the ex/husband and his sister social worker as mention before, but badly affected "before and after" married. Where I lost unborn children, sister detained under the mental health act, children bullied in primary school (and even as sea cadets swim in the open ocean?), hurt badly the ex/husband mother ( as if "she was my own mother" with endless falls, hospitals stays, dental treatments (removed?), cancer scares (removed own tits?), deficiency of calcium as her own medical report shows (as she told me!) and even my brother perished after injuries, but the ex/husband is live and well?- Where I promised the ex/husband mother to look after her own son (the ex/husband), but not when my brother was badly hurt (, so I leave this matter to the concern of the UK state, as I request justice, memory, reparation and non/repetition!- 

With regard of the other boy that was sent after the friendship (julie higgings) broke, supplanted by the same orchestrate - choreographed "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers, in which he told me to go - to leave (when on divorce times?!) home, reflects exactly the same as his own family requested of him to leave home (now lives with own grandma!!). As according to him hates his own father and step-father, but I am not going to be surprise as reflects the same children of my sister  (soco) and endless "families problems" in our society, that comes and breaks  marriages for the shake of it, for the joy of the matter, for revenge, for envy of family unity and for whatever happened to them: "united in the same hate"-

As the children of my sister (soco) first and second marriage broken, but not by me as I never was friend with norma hazz at any time not even today, but mara (beto hazz) and her own children after (rocio y claudia) with second husband (dieter) in order to help the first husband, in order to see own children (, neither I understand German language from my sister ex/husband (dieter) as I told her so many times, but pure lies and want to destroy the life of the rest, even expose me in the German swimming pool that acts as ocean with waves of same lies, tales, defamation, that acts with financial gain - pursue, united in the same crime, hate, malice and even lies?

This is the same matter that the ex/husband mother told me of her own children as mention before: "fight all day long non/stop and as bad as each other", but for me is as the Krays brother's. I do not need to carry this matter of "family problems" anymore as divorce, but to the attention of the state as "public concern", neither I should be in any family problems including my sisters - brother, as they come with plenty education from my parents and time to look after their own children not matter age, not me, but them. "When is my own family problems ( and their own maker, I will deal with them myself direct to get an agreement in order to stop, but when is your own family problems and their own fantasy world (, please honor the English system, law and duty of care of your own society - community and stop, full stop the abuse"-

Now whoever HURT you speak to them direct in the open field without getting confuse and blame someone else instead in order to hurt that person and "tell them" how you feel in order to "clarify matters" instead waiting years to cash (££$$ by the lies ) and may finish in a court of law in order to settle own problems - differences, where both are present, not hide in confidentiality acts, as "bully coward" maybe for a reason, as plenty lies, defamation and tales get you a long - long way, not by telling the true, but lying!!- As mention before: I leave this matter to the concern of the UK state, as I request justice, memory, reparation and non/repetition of the same crimes against me and my family, by the same "family problems!"- Now if you think is me your problem, please settle the lies in a court of law, where both of us are presents not hide in "confidentiality acts" like cowards and don't forget to bring your cheque book, as unable to use cash, because of "money laundry", because I need to show where I got the cash, remember (trade marks!)? - Where for years both families parents were blamed of "family problems" but today the matters continue and they gone (RIP), so when? .. Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 


Monday 25 May 2015

"Ninguna persona que està bien de la razòn mental puede estar a favor de la violencia, maltrato, odios y abusos que matàn la cordura"

Pienso que el maltrato en general es malo sin embargo el primer paso, o hasta caso es educar la mente humana para que pueda razonar por si misma, para que salga de ese mundo cerrado, para que se desarrolle mejor con màs educaciòn a la misma, sin juzgar a la ligera, "del porque", pero siempre analizar, analizar, analizar hasta dar chance de que se hizo todo lo posible. 

Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen FULL HD 

Porque nadien es Dios para juzgar a la ligera, mucho menos aquellos que ejercen la religiòn, ley o professiòn, porque nos puede fallar el pronòstico y por muchas razones màs. Pienso que tanto la mente humana como el mismo cuerpo se puede curar por si mismo, dando las herramientas correctas y sobre todo "tiempo" suficiente para su curaciòn, sanaciòn, analizaciòn y hasta progreso. Ya que el maltrato en general (animal, o personas) se viene practicando desde cuando, hasta se la llama, "BULLYING" por lo mismo. Entonces si el abuso - maltrato continua despues de una educaciòn bàsica propa a la misma, entonces otros metodos se usan hasta "la ley" misma tener que intervenir. Porque no hay razòn, circunstancia, o motivo para odiar, maltratar, joder, destruir, matàr, abusar, quebrar, terminar, remover, separar a tus semejantes con cualquier excusa hasta odios interminables. Sobre todo cuando sòn personas - animales que nunca has visto antes, nunca conociste antes a esas entidades, nunca tubiste relaciòn alguna, o hasta la perdiste, entonces cuestioneò hasta legalmente el odio y dicho maltrato.  Porque pensè que era yo solamente quien habia pensado esto que pusieròn aqui (, comparando bàsicamente con mi nota de "fox hurting"- Ya que el mismo sport ayuda a que esas personas que abusan de animales practiquen hasta con la realidad y esto se nota - refleja mucho con los abusos en hospitales, enfermeria y cientos de professiones, que algunos tienen una sed de venganza fuera de lo normal. No hay nada de malo el sport en si es saludable, energetico, y sanador, pero cuestioneò ese sport que dà muerte. La similaridad entre ambos (animal - personas) casos "psicos" como muestran ustedes es casi igual, sobre todo cuando se practica este "sport de odios, muerte, sangre", que no sabria la diferencia y para quien va el abuso (animal o persona). "Agradesco que me lo hayan clarificado aqui lo mismo" Puesto que pienso igùal que si una persona està mal de la chavela, no puede querer a sus semejanes (animal o perosnas), que cuando me odian la gente sin razòn, motivo, o circunstancias, sobre todo cuando no tengo contacto con esas personas en caso de mi familia que no he visto por mas de 29 años (1985), vecinos con tàn poco contacto con esas gentes, amistades que terminè desde 1978 y en general, pero aùn asi me odian, que ya cuestioneò su estado mental, o abuso a la sociedad?-Lo mismo cuestioneò el estado mental de aquellas personas que se van contra animales indefensos - defensos, sin tener las mismas armas que el bully, por mucho que el animal pueda defenderse, jamàs podrà contra el hombre, sus armas de fuego y sus grupos de animales rabiosos sòn màs grandes que ellos mismos, en este caso es el fox hunting. Tambien en España està el bullfighting su pràctica es muy parecida al fox hunting y no hay diferencia, excepto educar la mente humana, para tener màs respeto por aquellos animalitos que Dios nos diò para respetar, no matàr. Creo que ya es hora de terminar estos odios sin fundamento, que solo ayudan a la persona que no esta en su cordura completa mental para irse contra la humanidad (personas) - madre naturaleza (animales, etc) y su creaciòn, que a la mejor no se ha dado cuanta del problema - gravedad que contrae pensar, actuar y hasta reaccionar de esa manera con "odios", pero no la culpa del resto. Tambien ya cuestionamos "legalmente y hasta psicamente" esos "sports de odios, sangre y hasta muerte" que quizas ayudan a desarrollar mejor la mente para actuar con ese fin.  Porque la similatura de ambas mujeres (HRH Princess Diana of Wales and Reeva Steenkamp) que fallecieròn (RIP) con casi el mismo problema, odio, sangre fria y hasta sin cordura mental. "En pocas palabras hay sports que dàn alas al bully, para poder atacar todo a su alrededor con exactitud basandose en pràctica, provocando sus semejantes y causando hasta sus muertes en forma cruel, inhumana y hasta diabolica ("- No todos los que pràctican el Fox hunting or Bullfighting terminan con esos odios que matàn y es muy raro causar muerte humana, pero matàn animales y ya esa acciòn se cuestionea legalmente, juridicamente y hasta mentalmente - psicamente, con todo respeto, pero esos bullies respetàn nuestras leyes, nos respetàn y hasta nos protejen con sus acciones?-Porque de otra manera no hubiera perdido hijos, hermano (, hermana detenida mentalmente y una locura se desatò contra mi familia, cuando el lado del bully estàn TODOS vivos, contentos y felices (, entonces cuando hize lo que dicen que hize, pero todo es mentira, odios sin fundamento y abusos 

Aqui no es ganacia ya que perdì, pero obtener justicia, para todo lo mio y sin fronteras, porque tambien algunos miembros de mi familia se pintàn sol@s. Solo decir que mi hermana Josefa y su servidora ambas perdimos hijos por la misma situaciòn, mentiras y problemas, por lo tàl no somos nosotras el "problema" ella estubo viviendo alejada (mexicali, guadalajara, tlaxcala, ciudad de mexico, etc) de la familia como su servidora (Inglaterra) por lo mismo, "envidia" y por las mismas hermanas que nos llevamos tàn solo pocos años (flor y mara), pero suficiente para destruir todo lo nuestro. Aclaro que no estoy difamando la reputaciòn de nadien aqui, actualmente pasò igùal que me pasò a mi llegando a la casa de esta hermana (flor) despues de mi terminaciòn (aborto) "que le llamàn la acciòn pagos" (sòn pagos que algunos de la familia tenemos que pagar por mentiras de mentirosas, por ejemplo jose y yo tubimos que usar años antibioticos por centurias, por ser acusados del beso y abuso sexual. Cuando nada es verdad de mi parte y tampoco de mi hermano, ya que somos el resto de las hermanas, sobrinas y hasta amistades en contra de esa mentirosa, igùal despues pasò con el esposo de mi hermana josefa, pero tambien usò el mismo sistema. ya que nada està comprobado en un juicio legal, leal y honesto, pero puras mentiras) y para evitar repeticiòn, los mandaròn para Mexicali gracias a mis padres, donde sus otros 3 hijos nacieròn sin problema. Pero los mios fallecieròn a base de mentiras que nunca existieròn, pero me echaròn la culpa (del beso, 5 hombres, el rio, etc) para desviar el caso, porque tambien puedo comprobar el resto. Tambien puedo comprobar las razònes, excusas motivos, circunstancias y hasta problemas que tubieròn esas hermanas contras el resto de la familia (mi, josefa, josè, mela, any, tere, rafael, soco, etc) ya comprobado en mi blog con las ochentamil notas, porque una (mara) copiò a la otra (flor) y la misma escuela. Mi madre lo repetia lo mismo "que una copio a la otra y ambas (mara y flor) llevan la misma escuela, igùal que la madre del ex-marido donde me repetia, "as bad as each other and FIGHT all day long" pero esos bullies usan a la gente (mi, josefa, jose, soco, etc) para ocultar sus maldades. Aqui ya estamos hablando de crimen organizado y legalmente estoy en todo mi derecho de actuar con la ley, para terminar este asunto familiar, "expuesto al pùblico" para "public concern" donde los que quedaròn afectados, ver directo a sus bullies, no me. Donde lupy me dijo (cuando fuì a vender mi terreno) que si necesitaba casa (estando casada!!!) podia usar la suya, quiere decir que lo que me pasa ahora ya estaba todo planeado. Any me comentò del foco le destruyo la casa de mi madre, y despues se la reparò josefa pintando todo, me imagino que ha de ser lo mismo por aqui, ya que la similaridad es un reflejo, porque me echaròn la culpa, "pero nadien aclarò conmigo, tomandose la ley"-Todos en la familia sabian y se daban cuenta de lo que estaba pasando, entre la misma familia, para quizas quedarse como siempre con lo nuestro (hazz, guerrero, sotelo, parker, mis amistades, etc), para despues echarnos la culpa, para robar lo que no es de esas personas, para lo que sea, solo por molestar y destruir nuestros mundos, que no lo digo yo, se mira en las fotos de reuniòn familiar y no se preocupen que no es envidia, pero crimen. Aqui ya no estoy hablando como la hermana menor de josefa, ni la tia de sus hijos, tampoco estoy chantajeando el asunto en ninguna forma, manera o situaciòn, pero como una persona que se quedò con algo que no le corresponde, me siento alagada pero no es mi papel, por lo tàl sus hijos (de josefa) me miràn y sienten algo fuerte - muy fuerte, pero jamàz podrian sentir envidia entre ellos (javi, pepita jr y chelis) mismos, entonces no entiendo el porque para el bebè que falleciò si hay y cual es la razòn - diferencia, porque tambien pido justicia para esa persona que se quedò en mi corazòn, mis hijos y mi hermano. Si estoy en un error por declarar "crimen" por el fallecimiento del hijo de mi hermana josefa que veo la similaridad, pedirè disculpas pùblicamente pero degraciadamente nunca me falla, hasta entonces pido chance de comprobar el asunto, pero no antes me retracto. Como ustedes comprenderàn, yo no puedo cargar esta situaciòn sin juicio penal para aclarar y sola mucho menos, sobre todo algo que no me corresponde, no formè este abuso familiar y tampoco estoy en la disposiciòn de cargar lo que no es mio, punto y aparte!- Porque si miran las fotos la diferencia ( en edades es muy grande, para que una persona de escasos añitos pueda cometer maldad, crimen, abuso, pero si para que la otra muy lista - inteligente (mara) aprendiera de la siguente (flor). Ya que gracias a Dios y de acuerdo a sus mismas palabras era una burra empedernida. "Ahora màs que nunca me siento sin complejos, ya los superè!" 

Ya perdì tanto que no es posible el abuso familiar, corrupciòn, crimen organizado y maldad. Por lo tàl y para evitar màs atraques familiares en contra de la misma familia, que asi como usan a Josefa que tampoco hizo nada en la familia, ni promoviò abuso, que ya estoy en todo mi derecho legal de usar, al hijo mayor (pancho) de esta hermana (flor) que empezo odios contra la familia: "Porque ambas (josefa y yo) perdimos hijos por las mismas personas que crearòn abuso familiar (flor y mara), porque eran nuestros primojenitos y por muchas razònes màs legalmente ante la ley. Tambien tomarè a las dos hijas de la otra hermana (mara), para pagar lo mismo que perdì por su madre, porque fallecieròn hijos mios en terminaciòn (abortos) forzada, solo para complacerla (porque hasta Inglaterra llegaròn todo pagado?-), porque nunca me preguntaròn nada sobre el beso o cualquier otra escusa pero se cobraròn con vida de mis hijos por esta hermana (mara) contra mi persona. "Que facilmente me podria cobrar ante la ley, por los hijos (pancho, claudia y rocio) de estas hermanas (mara y flor), por mis hijos que fallecieròn en terminaciones (abortos) forzadas solo por mentiras, por el hijo primojenito de mi hermana josefa que falleciò (y tengo los motivos, razones y circunstancias que pronto las van a saber!), por mi hermano que falleciò por mentiras a su reputaciòn, hermana (soco) detenida en el hospital, por bullying contra mis hij@s sin aclarar antes, pero tubieròn que pagar mentiras por las mismas personas. Porque recuerdo me echo mara contra Paty Ariaz mintiendo que yo dije de su violaciòn, para despues sufrir lo mismo (por el sergio gomez pintado y el ex-marido)?-Tambien por el fallecimiento de mi hermano a quien culpo gravemente, para despues atacar al esposo de hermana mayor (josefa) y todo fuè para ganar ventaja, abuso contra la familia y poder comer?- Porque nada es verdad, en ningùn momento comentè de la familia ariaz, tampoco el beso, ni ninguna mentira (violaciòn) està comprobada ante un juicio legal, pero se pasaròn la ley a lo vestia (5 hombres, el rio, el beso, etc). Si alguien quedò afectado se va directo con su bully y si cree que soy yo entonces nos vamos a un juicio penal. "Porque mi Dios nos està mirando, porqe la verdad va frente de mi persona, porque estos abusos entre familia se terminan aqui y ahora"- Donde usan hasta nuestros hijos para exponer, pagar mandas (como explique con jose y yo con antibioticos, etc) y controlar asusntos personales que no les importa (dentista, doctores, emails, etc), pero concientes de la maldad - usandose mutuamente con el ex/marido y su hermana la social worker, cuando en Inglaterra este abuso es crimen. Porque ni josefa o yo nos metemos con nadien de la familia, pero nos ponen para reparar sus porquerias, o nos echan la culpa. No sin antes poner a los hijos (pancho, claudia y rosio) que mencione aqui para limpiar y reparar todo el abuso en la familia, dejando todo como nuevo y recibir ellos exacto lo mismo que el resto tubimos que vivir en la locura, "la misma violencia"-  Tambien para separar los hijos de mi hermana josefa con el resto de la familia, incluyendo mis hijos, ya que ambos sòn usados (por carol parker en inglaterra, cuando està representa la comunidad, no se va en contra de sus sobrinas?-), pero ninguna de las dos (josefa y yo) tenemos nada que ver en ningùn asunto familiar. Ahora si hay alguna objeciòn en usar los hijos (pancho, rocio y claudia) de estas hermanas (mara y flor) que se fueròn contra los nuestros (josefa y yo), entonces se van directo con sus mismas madres (mara y flor) a pedir explicaciòn de la misma locura, ya que vamos a medir el mismo abuso con la misma cinta que usaròn y hasta las mismas donas, porque usan hasta mis hijos cuando esto tiene màs de 29 años?- Repito el maltrato en general es malo sin embargo se debe educar la mente humana para que pueda razonar por si misma, para que salga de ese mundo cerrado, para que se desarrolle mejor con màs educaciòn a la misma, sin juzgar a la ligera, "del porque", pero siempre analizar hasta dar chance de que se hizo lo posible. Sin embargo en este caso familiar, tengo màs de 350 notas referentes al problema de la familia para que estas personas reaccionen y salgan del abuso, sin tener suerte, pero continuan. No hay avanze positivo pero actuàn como si nada pasò, por la muerte de mi hermano y tampoco importar nivel de crimen organizado contra mis terminaciones (abortos) forzadas, sin importar mi hermana que perdiò su hijo casi de la misma edad que su servidora. Parece que todo esto que pasa en la familia contra ciertos grupos es "forzado", ya que mis padres y los padres del ex-marido a quien se les echaba la culpa fallecieròn, asi es que no fueròn ellos porque todo continua igùal y por las mismas personas (mara, flor, carol, etc). Se tomaròn la molestia de ir a todos lados, (mara y flor) hasta llegar a michoacan y traer todo lo malo contra la familia, sin pensar antes el nivel de abuso, sin un poco de misericrdia para la familia, piedad alguna de nada, o dolor, por lo tàl hoy no bajamos la guardia, pero pedimos justicia, memoria, reparaciòn y no-repeticiòn de la misma, Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 


Saturday 23 May 2015

Time to BAN animal (Fox) hunting and cruelty to living creatures for good ..

Deprivation of liberty: Incapacitated people - animals subject by state decision to continuous supervision and control without option to leave settings, but deprived of their own liberty, freedoms and human rights. In which apply to human people the abuse, not just animals. 

Michel Pépé - ♥ Amour Infini ♥ (Relaxing, soothing music) 

As I don't know who is the more animal, irresponsible, immature and bully of all: "The animal that suffer the violence in silence as in this case the FOX, or the bully perpetrator that abuse with no respect of my Lord's creatures, but a HUMAN person made of skin and bone, that holds full capability to understand malice itself (otherwise they will not do the horrendous pastime), reason to acknowledge crime (professionals themselves, so no excuses!), destruction of own God's creatures (who give you the rights?!), abuse itself and best education anyone can dream in order to understand right from wrong (or vice-versa)?"- The extermination to my Lord's creatures is there to acknowledge in full public and everyone to see the extent of the abuse, including the same Mother Earth climate changes and the reasons why I signed the petition. My aim is not political or government correctness, motivate, interference, malpractice, taking the law (as exposing in full public the abuse!), neither I am interested on such matters, but the "Animals Rights" - I believe strong the time arrived for our little brothers and sisters, which are our animals with no barriers, preferences, sizes, age, colors, in-capacities, breed (etc, etc,), to have some kind of "Animal Rights and Protections laws", full stop!- The abuse that comes from well known members of our community - society towards the animals is way out of your own imagination, in many ways repels the norms of decency and in this case is the foxes. "Prince Charles reportedly told a private gathering: "If the Labour Government ever gets round to banning fox hunting, I might as well leave this country and spend the rest of my life skiing." The matter reflects the same hunting HRH Princess Diana of Wales suffer, when chase in France, before she passed away (see photos ), RIP. It may explain, why the conservatives won 2015. ("If the Labour Government ever gets round to banning fox hunting, I might as well leave this country and spend the rest of my life skiing."). The reasons why covers the photo image with little red clothing, when in reality should be left nude in order to explain, how animals feel when hunted: exposed, abused, bullied and then killed. (Hunting animals "foxes, hare, mink etc" even with the use of dogs banned in England and Wales "hope Scotland and Ireland follows" by the Hunting Act in 2004). Spain is famous for the bullfighting using a red cloth that the animal as victim follows. The reasons of color preference as red in any matter even clothing, I am unaware, but for many years the practice as horrendous continues. The abuse is way out of your mind even with foxes that the dogs see them in red light and recognize them even in darkness, maybe the reasons why they are selected as victims. The red color is the only color animals can see, or attracted by the matters, nothing of this medieval idea is well funded, or even researched properly, but certainly kills our animals with no form of respect, no pity, no compassion, no care, no nothing, acting just like savages cowards bullies. Because Animals can not speak, the matter do not give you the automatic rights and advantage to go against the Mother Earth and her own kingdom. If laws were properly implemented within our society in order to protect life itself, even of animals (any animals), legally you are trespassing their own property, environment and even kingdom. We are so confuse that some human peoples lives within animal environment and when properly settled down brings own laws, in order to deter the same animals, or any living existence as nuisance in this case is the fox ( as hunting, when we know full well that is not the case, but living within own (animal) rights. How many houses are burned down by the same ecology system of our mother earth, when some areas are not made for housing markets - states?- As if you plan to live within such boundaries where nuisance creatures lives, then full aware of pros and cons and not just kill as excuse, in order to gain pleasure from sport. I protect me and mine legally with this note, as the matter is not my concern alone the hunting - hurting of animals in general ( and not rights to defend them in law, but "for public concern" - In question of HRH Princess Diana of Wales, Dodi Al - Fayed and the Driver  "accident" (the 3 D's) RIP, I still got a bit further along, before I can fully demonstrate otherwise. In which, I have been taken as my surrogate sister for the similarities, as both suffer the same "family  (envy) problems"- I find extremely difficult to accept matters as was family, but I hope with time gain justice. The reasons why I studied the English law in order to set the record straight from "family problems" of the ex-husband, his sisters social worker and helpers (trafford council staff), that use lies to incapacitate, condemn, control and even pin peoples lives in order to abuse the UK system. The abuse works as either peoples or animals freedoms in equal manner. When social workers (sister of the ex/husband are not allowed to use any form of mental capacities acts when work for health services, furthermore against own family and relations (me and my sister), or lose own certificate (job) by the abuse ( In the same way doctors duty of care to own patients, "patient permission first", when dealing with family of the same patients. As I was frame by the neighbors, who's children are close friends with my sister own sons (tito and riqui) to seek my gp relate my sister health, when in reality wanted to seek their own father in Veracruz, but frame me. When in reality was revenge from my sister ex/husband when she moved own children from Mexico to Germany, in order to give them a better standard of life. After the ex/husband of my sister gained what he wanted the children went back to their own mother (my sister), leaving me with problems. If anyone affected by the abuse to seek my sister own children as adults, to deal with own mess, not me or mine (children).The level of abuse to me and mine by the professionals, that I want to expand as further as close relations, friends, or even neighbors - neighborhood,  "patient permission first" not matter "the level of gravity", as the abuse of such peoples is way out of order. Where I am bringing this matter of Deprivation of liberty, for the "public concern", as time to finish cruelty, illness and malpractice within our society and set boundaries, respect and tolerance, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.  

It may interest you ..
etc ..

Cameron will LOSE vote to bring back fox hunting, because a "substantial number of Conservatives are against it" .. with thanks! -


Friday 22 May 2015

Stamp The Vicious, Angry, Hatred, Jealous SNP Scottish Bra Muppet's For Good: Michelle Mone Quits Her Ultimo, First and Only One Lingerie Firm! -

Barry White, you are my first, my last, my everything - 

Bra Tycoon Michelle Mone announces her business is QUITTING Scotland with vicious parting shot at "angry, hated, jealous SNP moppets"- My problem is not the Bra, Properties, or Scotland country itself as stunning, but to find a Scottish solicitor to do the paperwork and enable me the move from my present position. When reading this matter on the news of Bra Tycoon Michelle Mone, I felt so much alike as my problem reflects, but I was unaware of this kind of hate. The matter explain why Scottish professionals would not take orders and find my petitions (any petitions!!), "out of this world" when is the same United Kingdom (Ireland, Wales, Britain and Scotland) law, language and principles, so what changed?- We agree that The Queen Elizabeth II is not negotiable in any politics affairs, as the daughter of the same Queen of Scotland, The Queen Mother, as The Queen Elizabeth. Furthermore, what I have to do with the matter, as I am like anyone else who swear the Bible ( when become UK citizen, so what changed?- I went to Scotland yesterday to find a solicitor, when arrived always takes a taxi to the "home address", as I am not from such places. Unfortunately, this time was inside the shopping place the famous home address, so no taxi and no way to know from right to left, plus the strong Scottish accent as mine, can you imagine?- Finally, I arrived to the place and holly appointment, to find a complete mambos jambs in Scottish Laws, which are not different than the English law, except a few bits, tits and torts. The Scottish solicitor (She) wanted me to do her own matters, when solicitors are for the community (me) "as taking orders" not the opposite, even wanted me to show loads of paperwork, which I do not object at all as part of regulations, including search my ID in the internet, before accepted?-("I was not applying for the job, except to gain access to Scottish Services, that was too much to ask?")-Now as student of law (me!), when I asked the Scottish solicitor to do the same to me and show me her own ID, training career, continue professional background - standards, career prospectus, titles, qualifications and the full requirement by the law (perhaps, title hanged in the wall to read education!), she just terminate the appointment, full stop, (good bye, che-che, get lost, ciao bambino, au revoir, adios??)!-

Property Law:

When in reality, I have the full rights to ask the same paperwork including ID to any UK (Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales) solicitor - professional, as they will handle my personal matters and I need to know well in advance which kind of record the person holds and how much he/she knows of the trade. My law study comes from own books as the rest of United Kingdom (Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales) Bachelors, that have the opportunity to learn the trade properly in a proper place and not different, but racially oppressed. As the ex/husband and his sister social worker and helpers, call my open university, "second hands books" study "rubbish", for my children to repeat same words (blame after!), with racist attitude!!-As there is too much professionals nowadays within our society, that are hire on such places with or without the correct qualification for the job, but an army of secretaries waiting outside the meeting room, to deal with own requirements!?-The secretaries earn a pittance and comes with law knowledge, "as they are typing work", but solicitors, barristers and judges are rich beyond your dreams. In fact solicitors salaries enable them to purchase property, in order to invest and hide the amount recovery from such jobs and nobody regulates?!- I went to see another Scottish solicitor (he) soon after this lady, to find a similarity, but much better this time of what you call in the "open fields - no reserve", as stationed with own bank, property and even legal services - products within own area?-I have no rights to come to you and hurt your matters, but request help to enable me and purchase / rent a place in the UK (Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland), neither you have any rights to come to any UK (Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland) cities destroying reputation of The Queen Elizabeth II, The Royal Family, or The Monarchy itself, that stand today and since centuries ago. As student of law, I refuse to do my own property law, as I feel like scooping my own ice cream, but I am un-trusted within society?-Exactly as the solicitors request from me, including "ID" to know which kind of character I am dealing with and to know full well how much professional standards understand of own job description, but un-trusted (see link?)?- I hope you pardon me, but after I lost all (with respect to The Queen for the same "professional standards (lies)" that today, I request to acknowledge who I am addressing with, "before" any kind of deals. As the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers past attitude to all mine (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc), including insult anybody who was relate to me somehow (julie higgings as drunk?!) and for me to get blame after?- Now if anybody got a problem relate here with me, address in a proper court of law hearing, "where both of us knows full well of charges" and not hide the bully in "confidentiality acts" as coward and don't forget to bring large amount of cash to remunerate me from your endless lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, the palm tree, the boiler  ... ). 

I remember who show me the trade to stand by myself with fingers and all (julie higgings), "as Scottish National"-We don't need to get to that level in order to protect what is ours and by rights, laws, legacy and even legitimacy, but to speak open of the matters and issues of the state. In this case, as The Queen Elizabeth II as Her own Mother: The Queen Elizabeth of Scotland - The Queen Mother (, have the rights to defend own legacy as Scotland, without suffering any kind of repression, oppression and corruption. The Queen Elizabeth of Scotland - The Queen Mother, who is Scottish National, married The King of England, George VI. So in Law (any law), by using the UK birth (as human rights) rights, laws, constitution, rule of the law, magna carta and even regulations, she is entitle to be know as: The Queen Elizabeth of Scotland (The Queen Mother). So please respect, as both Queen's as England, with The Queen Elizabeth II and Scotland, as The Queen Elizabeth - The Queen Mother belongs to the same land, country, peoples, laws and much more. I have better expectations within the Scottish Nationals and not just to use a person to be dropped after, but the start of a new beginning, with opportunities to all and what we ask to one (English person ), we shall ask the rest (Scotland, Ireland and Wales): "to behave" within frame work, government and politics affairs. So please respect your own country traditions and work within matters as politics - government affairs for a better UK future. As we are full aware of who the Scots peoples are of humble, kind, respectful background, because we have your Queen of Scotland that left a legacy, Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 


Tuesday 19 May 2015

Let's to make a milestone Diary ..

I am not planing to return with nobody, but exposing the true, which I am allowed and entitled by law to have a say in my matters, without suffering the reprisals, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.  

Imagine - John Lennon (Original video with lyrics in English included)

I don't get mad at peoples without a proper specific reasons, or even grounds, but somehow small groups of peoples try to get on with me and use any imaginary excuses, even if the matters that happens at the present time is not their own personal business, but "act as if?"- I am sick of the provocative peoples that act as bullies and find a way to intimidate me (with their own feet on my sofa!), with any matters that are not their own concern. When I never behave this way with their own parents (3 piece suit) and "their own business and at their own place, when?"-I don't arrive to my children's friends parents houses and knock the doors, disturb own peace, make myself very comfortable, put my feet up, bring loads of friends to overshadow themselves, etc, etc, etc, so when?-I am recorder every single movement that happens to me and mine, in order to protect, as the CAB staff told me years ago, "To Make A Diary", so such peoples must know where all the problems come and from (see letters of link)?- Education was not enough for such peoples that hold professional jobs that need to implement, as if they can pass the law, because in reality nobody can pass the law, but use my "child to practice the line", in same way as "social worker" sister of the ex/husband used my sister. The Magna carta was made for anyone who wants to pass the law, including Monarchy and so the rule of the law. In other words nobody can pass the law, let alone "confidentiality acts"-As the law rule that the person must know of charges to appeal in a court of law, so it is a corrupt system, where the professionals hide themselves in "confidentiality acts", to continue the bullying, even today as adults and mature!- I am recording the matter in full public, for "public concern", because of the wave of reign of abuse by the bullies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc) against me in the past, now presently using my children. It's as if the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers acts with religion sects from years ago and today is repayment, with a merry goes around, non/stop intolerance and as own mother used to said of them: "As bad as each other and fight all day long"- 

When we (me and my children) are not use to this kind of life, but forced to play a systematic games that bully each other, then pay after, as if life was not worth, or as if life was a repayment game, or as if life was a simple excuse to bully (see birthday card next link). In my family nobody comes acting like saints, but carry own problems as mention in my blog. When broken glass that is different matter and takes a kind of person to deal with such matters, not me, as I will never goes against my own family, never!- I believe the system was used by the ex/husband and his sister social worker family, when plates were flying at home, smashing in the wall and a lot of mess (shit) was coming from all over, quite contrary of mine with a lot of financial abuse. still today. I study Psychology alone since younger (9 years old +) thanks to my parents and gained a lot of practice in the matters since then, also the study gave me an ensign into my personal - family life, also not to be so judgmental with the human kind in general: "As nobody is born perfect"- The bullies as I can not find any other name for such peoples that bully - abuse society, same to match own peoples or victims and even dare to re-write the past to today, or re-invent the story all over again, but this time using my children and the children of somebody else's, that need to match (weird)!?-I can not understand the meaning of the game, as if you want anything from another person then use the correct channels, telephone, doctor, teacher, communication, but hide into something else and even re-invent yourself, but from which planet are you coming from?-I made myself this blog as I am not hiding, but exposing family abuses, as the law can not be manipulate, accommodate, twist, corrupt, or hide. However, I can even tell from my children's friends who comes with a lot of baggage from their own homes just by seeing them and who's comes with a relaxing family attitude to accommodate in polite way and believe me nothing to do with money, but education, principles and respect. 

I do not worry about the problems as we all come from problems, but the bribery, financial pursuit, blackmail, lies, defamation, stalk, follows, bullying, abuse, emotional blackmail, intolerance, racism, hate propaganda and even confusion. Particularly when the person hardly knows you and then hate you, then I worry of the emotional state of that person and when is your own blood then I worry even more (, as you can see the effects of such hate that pass from parents, adults, friends, to children. As example the second world war 2 killed a whopping 70 million victims of war and then we worry, by the state of such peoples that hate humanity and set examples to the rest, then I worry even more?- When I never arrive to your own home hating your own parents, brothers, sisters, family, pets, bring you a wave of baggage, then I should be worry, when lunatics arrive to me and mine and why, in which grounds in law the abuse, what are the reasons in law to steal you peace, to put own feet in your 3 piece suit, kick your pet, steal your freedoms and where is the parents?- What you see right as English national, may I do not see right as Mexican national, so this is why communication is a priority, not to be offended as "excuse" to hit the person after, because that is cowardice. Unfortunately the bad example as well as the good one is learn from parents, tutors, or adults, as my children not matter age respect own father and want to stay with him, so it is not me the problem, but help to know the selective process as mention before, helps to disturb matters. The selective process consist in mix/match - select friends in order to promote, confuse, help, aid, manipulate and even cause trouble to the offended party in this case is me. As the friend would not act that way with own mother but in this case the ex/husband is giving the person a free ride to abuse my persona (when sleeping in the couch laugh, etc????) and when I do to him the same abuse?-Such peoples that do not want to be involve in my notes, but adults with professional jobs, should be thinking of the matter "before" attack, molest, hurt and bully a citizen, like myself, because I have the rights to protect myself. Everything is programmed that way and even match with their own reflects that's worry me, with my own children that learn the trade. As I asked my children to keep neutral, not taking sides with one, or the other, by a child attitude: "go and tell him - her (reflects as: dad can you tell him?) of the ex/husband sister social worker and such peoples acts with psychosis, when the reality is totally different and the reasons why I made this blog to explain properly of the matters, set the record straight of such "family problems" that lie even the course of the law and in order to probe matters.

As I can not hurt me to me, impossible, in reality nobody can hurt one/self, except by specific problems!-In fact, I can not remove my own dental treatments in which I had been falsely accused in the past, "of problem", as impossible task to drill myself, or extract my own tooth, but falsely accused (dad can you (extract) tell him?)?- In order for the dental practice of the NHS to hurt me, as lies, taking sides and preferences in the matter: dad can you (drill) tell him (her), leaving me in the limbo with no teeth including their own mother (bety parker) that lost all, as she told me (dad can you tell him?) and reflects wit me. "As I said to my children before we get into that level, I call the police, not right!- Psychosis, when the reality is totally different (dad can you tell him)by telling different (lies) tales that are not true, like the boiler ( may exist as the boiler but in different version of the real matter and many times such peoples that lies can hurt the reputation of peoples, as myself. Magically as you can read, the boiler repair itself since day one as today, lasting 21 years poor health?-In other words, twisting words and even lying the course of the law. I call myself the abuse, "as walking in broken glass" environment and act of violence, but the UK knows as "(, broken window theory"- As I said before, when I bring this problem to you and yours and in a court of law swearing the bible, where we are present together and not hide in "confidentiality acts" and bring as well your cheque book to remunerate myself for the wave of lies, tales and defamation against my character. The bullies are used to protect themselves with "confidentiality acts" since day one (1985), in order to hide the wave of abuses towards me and mine, that today (2015) use anything!-As the following link (with respect to The Queen Elizabeth II did not made itself but groups that aid the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers, because alone without the council services and government staff would be impossible. 

While it's understandable that we live in society and we all come with "family problems" so acceptable - no problem, but to ask me to carry more of your problems into mine as "any excuses", no way!-Because as mention before, we are (my children and I) not use to this "English system" including your wave of barrage that hide the cowards in "confidentiality acts" and with respect to may concern the matter, but deal with your own family direct any issues, problems, bullshit and not-over-take-mine trying to confuse, as I never does-to-you-and-yours, in other words: "Piss Off - Get Lost"- Apologies, as my problems are not yours, neither your problems are mine at any time, so behold, because as student of law, I understand where is my position and so is going to be yours!-As the ex/husband mother used to said of own children,"fight all day long-non/stop" but she left to me the problem, when I am divorce, because my children got a life and time to live and let's people to live in peace. If I am in the past, because I am clarify of matters to remember where all started and my children were not even born (1985 - 2015) and still today not time to finish?- As the continuity to bring problems to my life with a wave of hate propaganda is the norm for the ex/husband, his sister social worker and own helpers, when in reality in law is ASBOS, not matter if they want to hide own profession with "confidentiality acts", but in law the BULLYING is ASBOS, full stop!-  The ex/husband and I had agreements by the law in the past and so orders by the Judge after the divorce, while he keeps follows me everywhere by sending his own helpers with any excuses, I am unable to process properly as he blocks all mine, even to Spain ( removing services and recorder in my blog. When I was trying to purchase a property by the same paper that I signed the ex/husband solicitor, somehow stopped the matter, "talked each other solicitors", blocking my matters and that was 4 month ago?-"It is true that I changed my mind after with the purchase, as I found a matter, but the solicitor left me in the limbo?-Nobody can purchase a property without conveyancing - solicitor and to do the matters myself, I feel like scooping my own ice cream, "as no regulate, by nobody"-As the ex/husband told me before I divorce him, that wherever I am he is going to be there and so I am right here, as he is not going to intimidate, bully and bring a wave of un-solicited bullies, direct to me and mine"- 

Here is where the ex/husband sister social worker opportunity brings direct to her, as they block all mine, in order to look as I am incapable, when in reality is a game (between herself and the ex/husband) to block everything that belongs to me, illegal by the law the practice, but destroying society to the lowest: who regulates, nobody!- The same peoples that pretend to be friends of the family (julie higgings) and told me so many times why her own husband left her and what the matter has to do with me?-When all was lies as they live together, but in order to hurt my reputation badly?-Now the same peoples (julie higgings) use own children's friends for the same matters, to bring a wave of confusion, instead of communication. In order to ask me to "leave the house when on divorce matters, so such peoples keep everything of mine after, based on lies", as her own husband still lives with her (julie higgings) presently, not me, but her and only lies, so when?-Now if there is any other woman that lie of me with her husband, boyfriend, lover, or friend at any time, then we sort the matter in a court of law, both together to read the charges and bring your cheque book so I can charge for the lies, slander and defamation!-Because one thing is to be sister, friend, aunt, or even neighbor, but to be falsely accused, then that is slander, lies and defamation to my persona and in law is a crime, that cost me my brother's life as he was falsely accused of lies in the same way as me, I lost unborn children and the ex/husband alive and well, so when?-

Such peoples selected by the state in order to help the ex/husband and his sister social worker "family problem's" and HERE is where your taxes are going in a complete boiler mess of problems. I said your taxes, as even my jobs were removed by the same slander, tales, lies and defamation, including trade marks. I believe this happened as a result of the ex/husband lost his job after he meet me and come back to Mexico (1983) ignoring his boss orders, but on that time, I did not speak a single word in English and my sister (tere) translate all. So I ignore matters and for that reason alone, I never asked nobody to return to my country to visit me, so I ignore of the same, but excuse enough to lose all my jobs in the UK since day one (1985-2015), either by accident, trade marks, etc?- "Where peoples (bullies) comes to my life and molest all mine "first" and expect me to accept the matters and in which reasons and grounds in law the abuse?"-My children are not educate to this low level with any parents, or they will address to me direct the matter, so which rights got the rest against me?-As the ex/husband "family problems" own friends that mix together with my children by the use of their own, while I got no problems, but when is against society, against the law and against the community (me), then my duty as mother to educate my own not matter age and I expect the rest to do their own work, not expect the state to hold your own problems, but yourself!-The ex/husband and his sister social worker can said anything, but I never behave this way with their own parents as if they were my own, so who give you the rights, grounds and reasons with me?- Now if the ex/husband and his sister social worker said anything against me with own parents, then to address the matter in a court of law with a proper hearing, where we are all sitting and not hide in "confidentiality acts" and bring cheque book, as all is lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc). As you can see the top photo Bernard with my child, enjoy each other company in peace and Betty who took the picture and gave me copy to keep. As all happened in 7 Gilderdale close, shaw, Oldham the house I was living with my child when separate from the ex/husand, also shape of the window do not belong to 31 vine close shaw, or 19 sherway drive as round in shape, both (bernard and my child) sitting comfortable, enjoying themselves. This was the only time the ex/husband parents enjoy own grandchild alone by themselves and in HOLLY peace with not envy (ex/husband and his sister) around to tell them off, or remainder them of the past (5 boys, the river, etc). I was working as Spanish translator for the Manchester airport / customs and excise and Manchester magistrate courts as Betty and Bernard were babysitting, so the rest is lies!-You can see the house of 7 gilderdale close shaw, oldham in full glory (picture at the bottom), when the ex/husband used to play a visit and also he told me to return it back after and today I got nothing, but him and his sister based on lies milked the system ( and I was to blame, Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 


Saturday 16 May 2015

The Middleton Family capitalist, by launching media career.

Kate Middleton Mortified by Queen Elizabeth and Carole Middleton 
Fighting Over Princess Charlotte?-

Jerusalem - Nagila Hava - Andre Rieu ..

Granny Middleton takes a job as expert for baby magazine.  Usually I do not give a cent into such matters, as own family should know better and act according to own family principles, but to cash on daughter´s own children, please give me another one, but not that one!!- As I explain so many times now, that since HRH Princess Diana of Wales has been cashed by her own family so badly, that I become a surrogate sister in order to control any kind of exploitation, expenditure and even embarrassment!- I think on this time, issue and matter unfortunately, I will have to stand by Charles, Prince of Wales, with his own personal "family issues (of taking over!)"- The matter is not about family feuds as I believe you are all grow - up and can deal with such matters in private, but the cashing (££$$) matters and such abuses need to stop, full stop!- Unlike Pippa, Carole won't be paid for her role?- Unfortunately, I was not born yesterday as everything comes with expenses. In other words, who give you the rights to steal ideas from the rest (mine), because my humanitarian work idea first and free to read, but not to copy (read the bottom: POLITE REQUEST THIS NOTE .. ), with respect. No excuses, as I come from Jews - Spanish background, including surname that stand centuries ( Here is not about vanity matters (, but to stop the cash machine as family name can not be used, abused and exploited, full stop!- I am also desperate for cash and I started with a lap top writing issues in a small tinny little bedroom after my eBay shop was closed, costing me monthly £200 (+ expenses!), in the same way as the Middleton business back garden: 'This prompted Michael and I to launch our own small mail order company from a shed in our back garden in 1987,' she writes.  I was Gold Powerseller in less than 6 months using eBay shop to sell brands (2008 - 2010), "with full permit", to be removed after by the same, "family feuds trademark, envy and endless lies of my persona"-When in reality stolen my matters with lies and passed to somebody else (betito), my hard work!-"What if I do that abuse to you and how would you react to the bullying?-When is not the family of HRH Princess Diana of Wales (like mine!), then the charities that represent (the Christians exploited my mother!): "We are not cash machines, but human peoples, so please respect!"-I am unable to understand how HRH Princess Diana of Wales survived more than 500 charities around her belt and came out with flying colors, by the level of abuse, demand in work and even time. In which, after 362 + notes that I wrote in my blog with no remuneration and on aid of the human race, that I request permission to earn my living with respect to The Queen Elizabeth II and with thanks!!-Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 


Friday 15 May 2015

Sweeping Victorian´s Chimney Slave Labor And Their Own Bullies For Good! ..

Slave labor is a crime in today´s living times, but still use matter, to promote hate towards - against the community. 

Tavern music

Particularly when abuse (any kind of abuse) comes direct from own family as bullies, in order to lose respect in society (show you off!) and no consideration even for own parents, any kind of parents. When in reality domestic abuse should be a crime within society - community as the abuse is passed the legacy from parents to children, even brothers and sisters, "as set example"- Now against the law and illegal practice the hate against own mother (me), from father (ex/husband) teaching our children the wave of abuse, defamation, lies, slander, hate propaganda!-I do not use that system with the ex/husband and in order to probe legally the matter, as my own children want to stay with him, not with me, but against me?- Stop Bullying, Full Stop!-  

Today the boiler could not cope no/more and broke up badly, without repair, but falsely blame. The boiler comes with a long standing problem that the ex/husband made that way, in order to attack all mine, including my clothing: "As unable to do any kind of "home repairs"- As you can see the following note, link , photos and date of made (boiler) damaging my clothing by the level of water, mud and shit (sorry!) that comes from the same boiler, but nobody gave a cent about my problems, except the ex/husband is blessed, listened, care, protect, etc. I am not important, full stop, except the ex/husband matters got protections laws in the UK, not mine, then that is racism, racist attitude, intolerance, hate, cruelty, defamation, evil motives and even lies against society - community (me)"- 

I leave copy of the matter, photos and even link 30/8/2014 and today is 15/5/2015 in case if you forgot (see the plastic tray holding the blessed and almighty water!!), also the ex-husband purchase (January 2015) part of the property ( because is not the real value. The "long standing family problems" comes from 1985 (after the marriage) - 2015 (now divorce), to no avail. In which it became a complete habit every so often to empty the plastic tray, today was the infamous day but falsely accused, when part of the house is not mine anymore (by the way the divorce agreement was made: corrupt!), not even my responsibility and I shall leave the matter (any matters!) "as it is" in the future to avoid any more blames, lies, tales and emotional blackmail!- 

I am unable to find a solicitor to purchase or rent a home and move out of this place, as everything is controlled. As explain in the following links the ex/husband and I had agreements after the divorce, that not even the family can break as legal requirements and documents, also stamped by the courts, but falsely blame - accused?-

-After putting my brother to help, then the family (problems) came to collect him to Tierra Blanca and kept his own family instead (guerrero). 

-After putting my sister soco to help in the tobogan in Germany with the swimming pool against me, as pretend the "river of Carol Parker (" then the family came to collect my sister in England (not Germany, Mexico, or elsewhere, but England!) in order to blame me after, when detained my sister under the mental health act and by the ex-husband, his sister social worker and helpers (riqui), using the neighbors. 

-After putting myself to help in the same "family (bleeding) problems", then the family want to come and collect me, including the monies from my divorce (as they are blocking my way in the UK), in the same way as happened to tere with her own properties (mela), tito (with mara and raul), etc. 

Such peoples that call family, but destroying the life of every one of the rest of the family, not the elders sisters (josefa, lupy and flor) and own secretaries (anny, carol parker, etc), but the rest of the family (mela, tere, soco, mara, jose, rafa, me, etc) need to suffer - perish the bullying by them, as my brother, unborn children, sister detained, etc. Including own children as "la primiada" and helpers (david parker and carol parker,  beto and norma hazz , guerrero family, "as form of groups made in two's, as twins") destroying family life of the rest of the family, even by murder. The ex/husband mother used to tell me of own children as "bad as each other and fight all day long" for me with respect (RIP), as mention many times before, the ex/husband and his sister social worker ( acts as, "the Krays twins brother's ( )" and such people were twins, always working in two's? -  

It's the same repetition of abuse from "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and own helpers, with the over and over and over problems and long standing problems (1985 - 2015) as the boiler mention, with no end, except the ex/husband and his sister social worker parents are not here to help and I am divorce from the lot, but sit myself with the problem ("Dad can you tell him? .., falsely accused of everything!?-"Pinned in the wall, unable to move, or have a life, by the level of abuse to me and mine?"- 

I remember making this blog as asking for help (see following links) when I understood a bit the game (2012) and divorce after. In fact a professional have a bunch of copy of letters to probe in law, that I did my own investigation because Trafford council staff refused. Including, I went to see a solicitor in Altrincham to stop problems (see Dobsons Solicitors #4 of the following link, to no avail and my brother was killed ( ) soon after (RIP), as negligence, lies and defamation, because the ex/husband is alive, well, rich and very happy! .. 

following links:
etc ..

-And Not Just My Things Came With The Investigation Of My Own Life As Trafford Council Staff Refused, But You And Yours Came As Well, So Probe In Law That I Am A Problem, When A Victim Of Society Like The Rest?!!..

Trafford Council (scandals):

Politics (scandals):

Bali High Court rejected appeal from British grandmother, Lindsay Sandiford, who lost appeal, for smuggling drugs ..
The "right to demonstrate", when we never vote for another 5 years of austerity, with respect.  

NHS (scandals):

Social Worker/Care system. 
(from links: The lack of luxury of Tradition ):

DWP (Unemployment-ATOS exams and Bedroom tax):




Domestic - violence/abuse:

Criminal-Judicial system:

Middle East Affairs:
Arzobispo Desmond Tutu comentà sobre el estado de Israel y no de los Africanos?..
American and British taxpayers´money propping up a Scottish Split, European separatism and endless Middle East Wars ..
Tony Blair and George Bush: Bloodshed in the Middle East is all yours – you own it!
Israel - Palestine War Conflict and what the world should know ..
Shimon Peres, ex-President of Israel (2007-2014) actively looking for work and living on Unemployable Support Allowance.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet in N.Y. with world representatives, regarding Palestine Authority Chairman, Mahmoud Abbas lies of Israel.

Blair/Bush affairs ..
September 11th in Mexico as well, not just America ..
The first world countries inside the Middle East affairs, becoming horrible wars  ..

Middle East Laws, Traditions, Values .. 

Religion ..
Enter UK foreign affairs (by your own peril ..).
Ancient Assyrians Empire of northern Iraq became large during the period of the Israelite Kings.

Today in the morning (again) when cleaning the boiler removing the water as usual, "as long standing problem", that was not cured on time, but messing all my clothing when I was owner of the home (1993-2015) that was ripped from me (as mention before), without paying the correct value of the same house (Sherway Drive, Timperley, Altrincham, Greater Manchester, WA15 - 7NU ), matter, price, judge order and financial agreement, but gained help even from my children. "I leave details as mention before a "long standing (family) problem (1985-2015)" that keeps follow me everywhere, destroying my reputation badly, as such peoples use "confidentiality acts to hide the (bleeding) cowards" and their own "family problems", leaving all my details in the full open with no respect, no pity and no mercy. So basically by law, I am copy their own (dirty) system and showing the public and for "public concern" the kind of crap system (council services) we got, because without the council services, the "family problems" would not arrive, nowhere! -

Soon after today in the afternoon as well, my feet brushed off by the (rhode island caffee) staff when having a relaxing time and 3 peoples as witness (as showing me off!). I even asked the (rhode island caffee) staff, if I should remove myself from the chair and table after paying for my items, so she can finish in peace the "cleanse process?"- This is not the first time the brush and mop follows me everywhere, bullying me even in primark when buying clothes a few days ago, as the children confide all of us "private matters" to a third peoples, but wonder when I bring this level of abuse to anyone in the UK, when?-"In which, I record and place this incident today "for the public concern" as the law in the UK can not be bullied, intimidate, mislead, lied, hide, corrupted and even removed from me and mine, as mention before, so be it in law!!- 


Today (18/5/2015) the boiler same to be stable, running as normal and not a single drop of water, mud, or shit relate comes from the machine, as the plastic container shows: "EMPTY"- This matter means in law, any law worldwide, that is not age relate of the boiler, or any other excuses - issues that the bullies comes with, but malicious intent direct from the ex-husband and his "family problems" to me, showing our children the trade, including his ants ( predators and a complete wave of lunatics against my persona. All is relate to the wave of lies from his own groups of "family problems (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc)", against me and mine from day one (1985-2015), but lies, in order to have "excuse" to inflict pain. eat from the lie and corrode the law. "I wonder if this hate against your own peoples, blood and family is normal?"- I hold no contact with members of my family since years ago (1985), or friends after school term finished (1978), not even relate to neighbors at any time (1993-2015), the rest is lies. I use this blog to report any matters, for the public, as "public concern" as nobody can remove the law from you, nobody. Where in the UK the law closed the doors to me and mine with "confidentiality acts", but as student of law, I can not contemplate this assault, abuse, intolerance direct to my persona, but reporting to whom it may concern. As the problem with the boiler was since we moved (1993) to this house (sherway drive), the same all kind of abuses (, that if the law exist for me, I do not know where it went, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.